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Will Lawes

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Posts posted by Will Lawes

  1. Hi

    Can someone give me the exact procedure for renewing my one year WP/visa? Expire 31 this month. WP is from office in Samut Prakarn. Yes, my school 'should' take care of it, and they of course will, however, from my past experience, they will leave everything to the last minute, so i will either pay for a 1 month extension (1900baht), or overstay, or have to start agin etc etc...

    So this friday I want to be able to call them and get this all sorted out BEFORE the 31...so is it possible to do this or do I have to go ON the 31st? Where do I go first? WP office, suan plu?

    Thanks in advance. :o

  2. i want to put it on my amex...if possible, but i could lend someone the cash if they wanted to pick it up for me? :D

    How much u reckon a trip down there would cost? And most places take amex? Most shops carry the opti? Same price all round?

    (Hate the train trip...) :o

  3. I've interviewed with Stough clinic, Ok. Anyone into details PM please.

    But I've found a web site and contacxted them (in BKK) that sounds very promising, and they accept credit cards, 80baht/graft, the going rate. At least there site has no spelling errors, like stough clinic...

    I've emailed them and had prompt replys from foreign staff...anyone with experience here?


    [email protected]

    Also, nnyone using propecia? Minoxidol? I remember about 4 years ago seeing generic minoxidol for 100baht/bottle. Now the cheapest I can find is 450baht for 'NUHAIR' at MBK. Yes, the propocia has caused a complete lack of sex drive, kinda nice actually, Lol... :eek: I use them together and hope to see some results by xmas. The hair transplant scares the #### out of me, I know there are forums for this, but rarely anyone who has had it done in BKK. PM's would be cool. :beer:

  4. The only long term solution is to burn more calories than you consume. Temporarily changing your diet may have a small immediate impact on your weight, but unless you are willing to permanently change your eating, drinking, exercise routines then these products are a waiste of time.

    Agreed. Actually it wasn't myself I had in mind, but a dear old friend, 65, terribly over weight, etc...I joke to him, just take the chemical route and shit it all away...

    He's in farangland, wasn't sure if there was some popular cheaper treatment that everyone 'knows' about, u know...  :laugh:

  5. The 'fear' as posed by my (thai) friends was mainly a result of some land in chiang mai they have being 'taken over' by locals in a violent and what appears to be 'unjustified' way. Like tresspassing, and calling this area of land to be now mine. These 'locals' are not acting on their own, and are backed by some group - who knows who. They have done this to several plots of land and have caused enough rucus that it is now written up in Bangkok newspapers, and Taksin is now aware of it.

    This is why these friends of mine are said to be selling their land in Bkk, (it still doesn't make sense to me), but the question they pose, that they seem afraid of, is what will happen when our beloved majesty should pass on? What's Taksin gonna do? The said Thai friends say there will be some form of 'revolution'...!...r they serious or what?


  6. As strange as this may seem, (it does to me), I know a weathly Thai/Chinese family that are very afraid of where Taksin is leading the country. So much so that they are selling all of their land in Bkk, and considering a way to establish a business abroad. I find it confusing, but they 'seem' to know something that I most certainly don't...their reasoning, as explained to me, is that Taksin is moving towards 'socialism', bad for the rich, those who own land, as they say...

    Does this sound like nonesence or whats up?  ???

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