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Everything posted by Capt23

  1. But am I able to then trf fiat into a Thai bank account? All without proving an address in LOS? I read with Bybit and Binance that they deal in so many currencies so I set up accounts but then found I can't transfer to a Thai bank after all! I really just want to set up an account, deposit USDT. Sell USDT/Buy THB then deposit the THB into my Thai bank account. Is that possible? I don't want to set up ANOTHER account and hand over personal identity documents then find out I can't do it.
  2. Local Coin Swap might be what I am looking for. I don't have to worry about amounts because I'm not a tax resident. I can transfer any amount into my Thai bank account. Can I open a Local Coin Swap account without being a Thai resident and use that to trf fiat to my Thai bank account? That was my original problem.
  3. You only have to pay tax if you are a tax resident I.e. spend 183 days or more in Thailand during a calendar year. I want to transfer money there this year and move next year. From what I understand this is completely legal. I have a Thai bank account from living there 2 years ago but obviously don't have a valid long term visa so I can't set up accounts with binance.th (from what I understand). I wanted to find out if anyone knows an exchange which doesn't require residency documents to set up an account so I can trf money into my Thai account.
  4. Is there an exchange that non-residents can register with? I want to use it to send money before I am a resident so I don't have to worry about tax implications.
  5. I worked in Thailand for about 9 months. I was totally legal on a non-B and work permit. However, it wasn't until I was there almost 6 months before I realised my school didn't add my son to my non-B as a dependent. When I asked them they said it's not illegal because he's under 18yo. Then when we left Thailand, he got the stamp at the bottom of the picture in his passport. Would it stop us returning to Thailand?
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