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Captain Disorderly

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Everything posted by Captain Disorderly

  1. Ive been using PIA ( Private Internet Access ) for a few years now and not had any problems . Its nearly time to renew my PIA yearly 12 month package and Ive just seen this .. We would like to inform you that as of Oct 15, 2024, the price of our yearly plan will increase to USD $49.99. This was not an easy decision. We have always tried to keep our prices as low as possible for customers whilst operating a globally leading VPN service. However, in order to continue to provide the most reliable and competitive service possible, we must now increase our prices. In the past the same yearly 12 month package cost was ..... USD $29.00 . I know that if I subscribe to a different plan with PIA ( 2 years or 5 Years ) I could possibly get the cost down , but I would rather just keep a yearly plan . I use a VPN mainly for torrenting and privacy . I was hoping to locate another VPN provider for a better yearly package cost . Any recommendation , suggestion or advice please.
  2. First a big thank you to every one who took the time to comment , your recommendations and suggestions are really appreciated and valued . After reading every comment posted , I think the first and easiest option I’m going to try would be to take some natural supplements . From what Ive now read it seems that there are several recommended natural supplements that help to reduce anxiety . 1. Ashwaganda 2. L-theanine. Should the above turn out no to help my personal situation then I will of course try other options that were posted here. This morning as soon as I got out of bed , my mind and thoughts were racing about things that I had to do later in the day , my wife as normal asked me how was I feeling , and I blurted out that I would have felt a lot a better if I had just stayed asleep and never woke up. As we sat eating breakfast , my mind was still racing constantly having thoughts , and at one point my eyes started to well up and I felt like crying . Again thanks every one for you kind advice , In the future I will post back on how the natural supplements option works out . Again Many Thanks
  3. Over the past few months Ive started to have bouts of ongoing anxiety , where my mind is constantly racing non stop and thinking about many things in my life. I seem to be fixated and continually worrying about things like money / health / martial situation / Visa / daughter / rising cost of living / growing old at 74 / putting on weight / not sleeping well / Etc Etc . It feels like my brain is a glass of water that is full and constantly overflowing over the side of the glass . Ive talked to my Thai wife about my concerns and her answer was to go and see a ‘’ Head Doctor ‘’ At this stage I’m not really interested in going to see a psychiatrist , who would no doubt prescribe some Antidepressant drugs . I was wondering if any one here has had any anxiety issues and if so what did you take to help the situation . I was wondering about natural supplements as a possibility . Thanks . .
  4. Hi and thanks for your comment , its really appreciated . Like you say may be statute of limitations (SOL) in the Florida boat has all ready sailed . Just a thought , if it may look impracticable and my friend's chance of recovering the money that was stolen from him ( property value ) after all these past years , is a very slim chance . I wonder if another option would be to in some way try to expose the Florida based Realtor’s past activities ( Admitted Theft of property ) , which would hopefully alert other potential clients from being scammed in the same way as my friend. Thanks .
  5. Thats a good point , may be there's some sort of statute of limitations that could come into play . Just another thought , As my friend has so far been unsuccessful in getting back any money from the theft of his properties and as the Florida based Realtor has already publicly admitted his wrongdoing in the US Observer article , and if there is a statute of limitations in operation, I wonder if there may be some way try and alert other potential clients relating to the Florida based Realtor’s past activities ( Admitted Theft of property ) . .
  6. I have a USA citizen friend who moved from the USA to retire here in Thailand . My friend has poor skills using a computer so I’m trying to assist him in any way I can . I thought I would post my friends story here in the hope that some one could offer some advice or suggestions that may in some way offer hope to my friend in recovering money ( property value ) that was stolen from him . When my friend resided in the USA , he gave power of attorney to a Florida based Realtor ( estate agent ) to carry out several property transactions on his behalf due to my friend working overseas . That Florida based Realtor stole property from my friend . The story about my friend being scammed by the Florida based Realtor was published in the USA on the US Observer web site. ( see link ) and in that article the Florida based Realtor admitted his wrongdoing . Although the theft was carried out some years ago , my friend has been looking for ways to get back the money that was stolen from him . In the past he contacted several Florida based law attorneys , but those attorneys never really pursued the case . Since then my friend has been unsuccessful in finding a viable solution that would allow him to get back the money that was stolen from him by the Florida based Realtor . Sadly my friend does not have the financial capacity to make a journey back to the USA, so he is trying to look for other solutions . Personally to me the sad part about theft of property from my friend , is the fact that the Florida based Realtor who stole the property has publicly admitted his guilt in the published US Observer article . Currently it does seem that the Florida based Realtor who stole the property has lost his realtor license , but is still operating in Florida. Any suggestions or advice on how my friend could may be proceed and try to get back the money that was stolen from him . Are there any government institutions or other forms of assistance to help people like my friend who have been scammed Any constructive thoughts on my friends above situation most welcome . Thanks My Friends article published in the USA Observer web site . .
  7. Seeing the word ‘’ uvula ‘’ and I’m not sure why but I had a thought in my old mans mind that the word was some thing to do with a woman's sexual organ So loosing weight and quit drinking alcohol made your past sleep apnea symptoms disappear and you never used a ResMed type machine , that's really a great result . As for your shoulder hurting I’m sorry to inform you , but at 72 years of age the dreaded getting old curse has struck .
  8. Wow 20 years , and here's me thinking give it a few months and I will be putting my ResMed 10 Airsense machine back in its case . I would love to ask you a few questions if that's ok.
  9. Hi and thanks for your comment . I have private medical insurance and that health insurance policy only covers me for any medical attention if I have to stay in hospital overnight so , sorry I can't tell you how much the cost of that sleep test was as my private health insurances paid for it . The sleep apnea report was very long and detailed . Being constantly tired and not sleeping very well , are also symptoms I am having .
  10. Ive been having night time sleeping problems for some years now , my symptoms are waking up through out the night with a feeling that I have swallowed some thing and its stuck in my throat. Once I wake up that feeling of having swallowed some thing and its stuck in my throat disappears and I can go back to sleep . So I decided to seek medical advice. The hospital doctor sent me for an overnight hospital sleep test ( Bangkok Hospital in Korat ) . The sleep test results showed I had moderate / severe sleep apnea . During my consultation at the sleep test hospital about the sleep test results the doctor recommended that I purchase a ResMed Airsense 10 CPAP machine , which I did. I have been adjusting the ResMed machine settings to try and find the best options and at the same time I have purchased two face masks to use with the ResMed machine. I’m 73 years of age and I sleep alone , sleep on my side and the face mask I’m currently using is an AirFit P30i . I have seen dedicated sleep apnea internet forums , but I thought as I live permanently in Thailand I would first inquire here to ask if any one else has been diagnosed with sleep apnea and if so how are you dealing with it and what have you learned along the way .
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