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Everything posted by angelos

  1. CM. Sorry thought that was clear by my response
  2. Returning to CNX, which seems to be easiest airport.
  3. I have a baby that has a terrible time with long drives (which a land run will be), so a short flight is actually easier. I would stay however long allowed. If exemption, up to 60 (30+30). If tourist visa, up to 90 (60+30).
  4. I've been in Thailand on a 1-year education visa (no visits/visas prior to this), which is coming to an end next month. (And I have a child on a dependent visa.) I would like to be in Thai for a few months longer to tie up loose ends and travel around the country a bit. Is there any concern doing an overnight border run (which for us needs to be by air) and returning back to get an exemption (30 days + 30 day extension)? Will immigration not like following up the ED visa with an exemption right after? Or will doing an actual visa run and getting tourist visas be better? If so, which country/consulate can issue tourist visas the easiest and quickest these days? According to recent posts, the ones is Vietnam (Hanoi and HCMC) are stricter these days? Thanks for any input.
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