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  1. Everyone should change their mindset. It's beyond ridiculous. Schools may not fail students, students may not stay in the same grade for more than one year. Then you create lazy students. But if you do, you get in trouble with their overprotective parents. This is why schools don't do anything about it. If students underperform, they'll be labeled LD, ADHD, autistic, and they'll be sent to a doctor, who would be glad to prescribe them some medicine to make money. And when students come back to school, they can just do whatever and end up in the next grade anyway, just because of their label. Parents play a big role in this. They don't want to lose face, because oh no, it's my fault that my kid is lazy? Nono, we bring them to the doctor, because he/she is sick in their head. Just to avoid responsibility. It's terrible because they often are prescribed medicine that they don't even need. Besides this, schools also look better if everyone passes. They also avoid their responsibility. We are good teachers, the kid must be sick in their head. But they forget one thing, if students go from P1 to P6 year by year without studying or critical thinking, you'll end up with a bunch of students with P1 knowledge in P6 and so on in Matthayom. And parents are dumb enough to listen to schools and doctors. They can tell them anything and they'd believe it and do as they were told. But... Ofc, it's a mistake done by whomever made this ranking. Typical behavior same like the parents, avoid responsibility. How can this country get out of this. It's like a play that everyone knows everyone does, and they keep playing pretend somehow. It's insane.
  2. Many foreigners are tourist guides? What do they define as a tourist guide? If you have family or friends over, and show them around, will you get in trouble already?
  3. You don't hang out in traffic here too much, do you? From what I see, the majority who's being pulled over by the police is still mostly Thai. Instead of your whataboutism, how about just wearing a helmet so there's no reason to be pulled over.
  4. You don't hang out in traffic here too much, do you? From what I see, the majority who's being pulled over by the police is still mostly Thai. Instead of your whataboutism, how about just wearing a helmet so there's no reason to be pulled over.
  5. You don't hang out in traffic here too much, do you? From what I see, the majority who's being pulled over by the police is still mostly Thai. Instead of your whataboutism, how about just wearing a helmet so there's no reason to be pulled over.
  6. You don't hang out in traffic here too much, do you? From what I see, the majority who's being pulled over by the police is still mostly Thai. Instead of your whataboutism, how about just wearing a helmet so there's no reason to be pulled over.
  7. Imagine getting angry in this situation that you can't go to the bar in the middle of the week on a Wednesday 😂
  8. Why a 3 year prohibition if they may not hire foreign workers any time?
  9. A new day, a new foreigner misbehaving. Every morning I get at least one or 2 news updates about foreigners misbehaving. Can't they just let normal people in?
  10. And like usual, they happily go home, and leave the expats with the terrible stereotype and consequences.
  11. In Nonthaburi. It's usually pretty fast compared to what I've seen from others.
  12. As immigration offices are closed for walk ins, the point was whether this also will be the case for online applications. As I haven't experienced this yet, because I'm always on time, I didn't know. Couldn't really find any information on this anywhere.
  13. Same for me usually, Only this time a bit worried as the deadline falls in the weekend.
  14. On the 8th. A bit late as this time I forgot about it by accident. But as I checked the history, it has always been approved within 2 days max.
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