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Everything posted by Expatteacher101

  1. Thank you both. Really appreciate you taking the time to reply
  2. Hi all, Can anyone offer me some advice. I entered Thailand yesterday (Monday) and my trip was supposed to last about 15 days. When I entered immigration officer asked me how long I’d be here this time and where I would be going next. I said and stamped in with exempt for 30 days. I have to fly home Friday just to sort out my dog but then will fly back in the next morning for about 7 days. So I entered Thailand in beginning of August for 5 days. And I was also here in April for about 10 days. I generally just visit the in laws and as it’s just a short flight from home it’s easy. I’m wondering if they will deny me entry though as I’ve left and come straight back. Thank you
  3. Sorry to ask this again. I read that if I am to apply for another non-b, I was supposed to have cancelled the previous one with a resignation letter? I don’t have that nor will I ever get one from previous employers? Do I simply just apply again? Pay to cancel previous one? Thanks, Tom
  4. Thank you very much. That’s very helpful and a weight lifted off my shoulders. So me applying for another non b visa in the near future won’t be an issue? Thank you again
  5. Good evening all, I was wondering if anyone could provide me with some advice? I know this has been asked many times but I can’t seem to find the definitive answer. I was a teacher at an international school in 2016. Sadly during my time there a very close family member had passed. I requested time to go back home but it was rejected at first. Then I was given a week to return to my home country and so I did. Sadly when I got back, it quickly became apparent that I needed more time to sort family issues out. My employer in Thailand was not happy and my employment was terminated. I’m still a believer that family is very important and I did the right thing. I left Thailand with around 2 months left on my EXTENSION. I did not have a multi entry at this time, so I am aware that the extension would have been cancelled. I also believe my WP would have been cancelled by the school. I tried very hard to engage with the school but to no avail sadly. I have been to Thailand since on a tourist visa on a number of occasions, with no issues. I have an opportunity to work in Thailand again and would love the opportunity. However, as I didn’t formally cancel the extension, I am unsure what to do. I am a law abiding person and I am happy to pay any fine for wrong doing on my part. I am unable to communicate with my previous employer as I still get no response when I try and reach out. Any advice on what I can do? Thanks in advance. Tom
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