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  1. How long did you use Aldara for until the warts were gone? Did it really irritate the skin?
  2. Circumcise myself so i can treat warts? Lol
  3. How do you handle the dry ice? Do you use a device to pick it up or what? I am confused on how i would get it and use it on my inner foreskin.
  4. Anywhere in Bangkok I can go BESIDES incredibly overpriced Bumrungrad. They want to charge over 11,000 baht. Seemingly all the major sexual health clinics don’t offer the laser treatment for warts. Does anyone know of any other hospitals or clinics that treat this with laser in Bangkok? also note: i am not interested in cryo treatment anymore. Tried it about 6 times at the clinic, doesn’t work for my case. Want to try the lasers. thank you to all who answer and help.
  5. I sometimes send stuff from USA to Thailand through US postal service. It always goes through and never gets stopped by customs. Sending something through Fed Ex for example ALWAYS gets held up and customs. In China what is the fastest and best way to ship medicine so that it won’t get stopped by customs. What type of service should i use?
  6. I have already a confirmed Mgen diagnosis. I have the PCR test paper to prove it. Do you know where I can get Sitafloxacin? I have read Sitafloxacin is easier on the body than Moxifloxacin and doesn’t have as much resistance strains that it will not work on.
  7. Are these pills? What does it mean preparation? Are they at most pharmacies?
  8. Hi man, i tried to look at this website but it doesn’t offer details of the meds. I click quantity does that mean per box or per pill? It doesn’t tell you how many are in the box, so it might be per pill?
  9. I am looking for minocycline, pristinamycin, josamycin, or lefamulin to treat my MGEN. i have already tried doxycycline and azythromycin. I will not try Moxifloxacin because of the black box label and potential for permanent disabling side effects. Could anyone please help me in finding these alternative antibiotics in Thailand or if i can get them shipped? i have tried multiple hospitals and many many pharmacies.
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