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Posts posted by Hokeus

  1. One might also view that the document's intent is to actually make the laws on possession of THC extract products (exceeding 0.2% THC) a bit more lenient. 


    Meaning, prior to this, there was no indication about possession limits and what amounts of a THC extract product could be viewed as being illegal possession, but still for personal use. But now, under this new legislation, one can possess up to 30 grams without being charged as possessing it for anything other than personal use. Prior to this it is possible that if somebody was in possession of only 15 grams of a THC extract product they could still be charged under the law as possessing an amount more than just for personal use. But now this gray area has been clarified. Perhaps before possession of even 1 gram could have been charged as a serious crime and now that quantity has been raised to a minimum of over 30 grams. 


    Whether possession limits will ever be placed on flowers remains to be seen. But, unless flowers are ever reclassified in some way as a Class 5 Narcotic, then it seems unlikely any limits on possession of flower quantities can be enacted when it isn't an illegal narcotic substance to begin with. 

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  2. 6 hours ago, bamnutsak said:

    Agree that this is not a significant change.


    Curious though about the 30 gram/30 ml limit.


    Below that limit, I assume, possession is and remains a crime, with punishments detailed elsewhere.*


    While above those limits, there are more significant punishments listed.


    As always with Thai "laws", a bit confusing.


    If they wanted to limit the recreational use of cannabis flower they could have added it back to the Narcotics list, or codified production, sale, and use as criminal elsewhere.


    * Reflecting a bit on this, perhaps the intent is to support medicinal use, only extracts will be allowed, and possession/use in quantities below 30/30 will be legal for "patients". And only those so licensed can produce/sell in quantities above 30/30?


    I've read through the document more closely. The only real intent of this is legislation is to specify the possession limits for illegal narcotics in categories 1, 2, and 5 which will now be deemed as quantities viewed as being for personal consumption under the law. 


    One can assume that possession above the specified limits (which is a limit of 30 grams of THC extract exceeding 0.2% THC) will now possibly be considered to be a quantity large enough to be used for sale/distribution, but it doesn't actually say any of that in the document. 


    And presumably possession of any quantities of these drugs under the newly specified limits is still deemed illegal and will still face criminal charges for possession as always, depending on the actual quantity and circumstances. 


    However, this document is issued by the Ministry Of Public Health, which doesn't prosecute crimes. So that's why there is no discussion in the document itself about consequences or punishments for possession of the listed substances that are in quantities either above or below the specified limits being set forth herein. 


    At some point they may put some laws in place to try to limit the recreational use of cannabis flower, but they have already clearly stated that they have no intention to add cannabis flower back on to the Class 5 Narcotics list. 


    I also don't think there is any deeper intent here in this legislation to support or place limits on medicinal use of extracts or to limit the use of flowers for medical use either. Presumably, if you have been given a cannabis extract product by a licensed Thai doctor or a Thai hospital, and it is intended to be for medical use, then these limits won't apply because the limits in this document all seem to apply to illegal possession and not legal possession. Meaning, for example, if a hospital were to give you 60 grams of a cannabis extract product containing more than 0.2% THC then it likely wouldn't be viewed as exceeding the limits stated in this document because it wouldn't be criminal possession to begin with. 


    As I already stated earlier, this new legislation issued by the MOPH appears to be of little importance or consequence to most people because it's only focusing on the already illegal THC extract products and not flowers. 


    As a side note, the fact that many legally licensed cannabis shops are currently illegally selling THC extract products that exceed the 0.2% limit means that a person caught in possession of any quantity of these extract products (even when bought from a licensed cannabis shop) is still breaking the law. 

    • Thanks 2
  3. 55 minutes ago, roietfortress said:


    that is what we're calling an "indica". its possible your cerebral cortex doesn't respond to "sativas".


    when i smoke an indica, i can't get anything done because of the couchlock and foggy happy feeling. when i smoke a sativa or sativa dominant hybrid i can code for 12 hours straight. i can garden for hours with an indica and some M-150s.


    the difference is what part of your brain is affected. an indica will hit your nervous system, a sativa will activate dopamine in your cerebral cortex. that's how i understand it. maybe your cerebral is always activated, or its unaffected by thc.


    my thoughts on your conundrum :D


    EDIT: ps i've learned not to operate power tools or chainsaws on an indica XD





    For the first hour after I vape I wouldn't try really operating anything, nor would I really want to (because my aim is almost always to relax). Not a motor vehicle for sure and I have trouble even remembering things like which app I was going to tap on after unlocking my phone. So springboard gaze can become a serious dilemma. And any kind of heavy multitasking is definitely off the table. 


    I've tried testing myself by working on a spread sheet with lots of formulas right after vaping. Not much success. For the first hour, if I'm really high, the biggest task I can handle without time lapsing is usually something like dish washing, lol. 


    But after about 60-90 minutes then I can start to get some things done again, even like driving a big engined motorcycle. I can also become hyper focused and aware of my surroundings, while still feeling high, which can be fun. 


    Sometimes I do get a bit of an elevated heart rate for the first 15-20 minutes after I vape, but generally I am not bothered by it. I guess some might consider that a bit of a Sativa effect (even though I don't believe there is such a thing), but when it happens to me it could happen one day and not the next, whilst also having vaped the same strain on both days. It's even happened on some days and not others when using the same blend I made. So, again, I just attribute it to the various different possible effects from THC on the subconscious mind and it not being strain dependent. 


    I tend not to mix any other psychoactive substances with weed though. Any other stimulant would only usually disrupt the desired vibe for me. M-150 is loaded with sugar and caffeine. Probably enough to negate the effects of THC such that one can then focus at a fairly normal level again on just about anything. Not sure why one would want to mix the two. It would be like mixing a downer and an upper together. But one man's rubbish is another man's caviar, so I'm not here to judge. 


    In fact, there was a segment in the "Rotten" documentary series on Netflix about cannabis edibles where an emergency room doctor explained how they treat young kids who are freaking out after having accidentally and unknowingly consumed an entire chocolate bar edible belonging to their parents (perhaps 60-100 mg of THC in one go). I believe the treatment is usually something from the benzodiazepines drug class and that benzodiazepines can greatly neutralize the psychoactive effects of THC, whether one is feeling either up or down from it or whether the source of the THC in the edible was from a shorter Indica or taller Sativa plant. 



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  4. Yes, and your weed goes so much further in a vape as you said. Many people here are concerned about the (already low) cost of the higher quality weed. But if you use a vaporizer you can likely get at least double the amount of benefit out of your weed versus when smoking it. A rollup will typically use up half a gram and much is also lost as it continuously burns between hits. So in the end a vape can also help reduce consumption cost if you prefer to buy the higher priced good stuff without (literally) burning though so much weed. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, bossdog said:


    Enjoying the KD right now.

    It's my favorite (I tried a few of their offerings) nice strong sativa and just B10 / g. 

    Nice to hear someone can enjoy 10B/G weed. I haven't seen any yet though that would interest me at that price. And you say strong, but that weed is likely to be 8%-10% THC (possibly less). Thus, "strong", is that relative to regular brick weed?  

    • Confused 2
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  6. 51 minutes ago, khunjake said:

    There is already a very strong cannabis lobby here which represents extremely large commercial and local interests. I doubt very much the short timers in the runner up government will get very far in putting the proverbial genie back into the bottle. 

    Yup, it's very easy to get caught up in the trivial soft-milky political minutia of the whole diatribe, but at the end of the day nothing is going to materially change unless weed ends up back on the illegal narcotics list and that train won't be pulling back into the station. 

    • Agree 2
  7. 3 hours ago, Enquiry123 said:

    Thank you all for the conversations. 

    Bangkok Bank credit card application requires Pink ID Card. 

    That is definitely not correct information. That would require every foreigner in Thailand to also have a yellow book to apply for a Bangkok Bank credit card, which is definitely not the case. 

    AFAIR, Bangkok Bank will allow any foreigner (on a long term visa) to obtain a BBL secured credit card as long as they lock up a sum of money equal to the credit card's credit limit into a locked bank account at Bangkok Bank. I think the minimum sum is ฿10,000. 


    KTC (Krung Thai Card) offers the same option to foreigners. 

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