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Posts posted by thommo46

  1. After some info for a mate who has been waiting for Spouse Visa Approval. Lodged 6 months ago. He was flying out next week to Thailand to visit his wife. Unfortunately his holiday has been cancelled because of a medical condition which has him in hospital right now and awaiting an operation. That's why I am posting on his behalf. Is it possible for his visa to be fast tracked and approved as he will not be able to work and lives alone at his home and will need caring for. He has no immediate family near him. Looking at maybe contacting Immi. Department or Minister with all details of his medical condition. Anybody on the forum been through this problem.

  2. There is a practice here where Thai people get-together and have 24 hour celebrations where Gods (mostly Hindu but also Chinese) are invoked and various adepts are inhabited by the Gods. They engage in dances, have conversations with believers, etc. It is a remarkable religious practice. There are lots of videos on you tube about this. It is a widespread practice, not a scam. One of my closest Thai friends is deeply involved in this practice. I have never seen any discussion of this in tour books.

    I am not at all a believer. But these people are not faking.

    Yes. That's exactly my point. I fully know they are not faking it but I don't know why they are doing it...unless there really are spirits and I have to believe something that I don't want to believe in. This happened in my car and this is the fourth time I have seen it! It's not a story I have heard or read on an internet forum so can just easily dismiss it as psychosis or drug induced...it actually happened in my car. But I still don't want to believe it, I guess that's why I'm really investigating it. I just don't want to believe it. For those that have experienced this and are not a believer, you will know what it feels like.

    I believe possession is real. It is said that it can happen when someone is in a weakened state, or has a blank state of mind. Supposedly the spirits are disembodied, and want like hell to get back into a body, so they can feel physical sensation. So, they will occupy a body for that purpose. It is entirely non discriminative behavior, so once that happens, the consequences can be devastating. I am told by some, that claim to have some wisdom in these areas, that often schizophrenia, is misdiagnosed, and the reality is in fact possession. Kind of makes sense. Hard not to believe in ghosts, unless you simply do not believe in a soul, or anything supernatural. Which is valid. We all have our beliefs.

    I had a friend who I believe this happened to many years ago. He began to have serious illusions of grandeur, and that ended when he jumped off a 15 foot ladder while painting his house. He broke his femur, and really messed himself up. Eventually he got help, got some meds, and I sort of lost track of him. But, it was ugly. Could have been some other kind of condition, but I always suspected this. They refer to it as a tramp soul. Not something you even want to be in the same car with. Keep your distance.

    My stepson had been playing cricket in the backyard most of the day in 40 degree heat. No hat on. That night he had a temperature and I thought he had a case of sunstroke , it was after this day that things went awry with his normal actions.

  3. My 12 y/o Thai stepson was possessed in January this year after we had return from our holiday on the farm in Huai Thalaeng near buriram. 3 weeks of strange things went on with him eg always biting his lips,singing songs I have never heard him sing, sleeping all day after sleeping all night,seeing men with guns on our roof coming to steal his mum away..We live Australia and he was starting high school grade 8 . the first day he walked out of the class and turned up at home , the teacher did not know what he was doing. He did not remember doing this. I took him to the Doctors. While we were in the room with Doctor he got up and walked out the door. I grabbed him and he said we have to go home they're coming to get Mum. My wife rang the family back in Thailand and they talked to the local Sharman. He said the Child Spirit Kuman Thong had possessed him. Google Kuman Thong and read up on it.Most shrines in Thai homes have these little dolls which are made up of Gold or silver and the ash remains of babies that die and have not yet been accepted to Buddhism , like they are in Limbo , like the Catholic religion. It took about 3 weeks for him to return his normal self.We had to play special prayers all night like chanting Monks.

    Very scary ordeal, The Thai's believe that this spirit was not being cared for at someones shrine and decided to possess my son. It is believed that this spirit plays all night in his mind at night making him tired next day.

    I have kept this to myself until now that this topic has come up. Ask your Thai wife about Kuman Thong.

  4. This is from another forum for the meaning of TiT.

    TIT has been around for years. It actually originated with the British Air Force and was called "tits-up" which meant the plane was inverted, which was bad news because that meant the plane had no navigation system left working and they were lost and going to crash when they ran out of fuel. Hence the phrase "we're tits-up over the English channel" or even worse for the bombers "we're tits-up over France/Germany". But the military being the military it flowed down through to the army and navy and of course different armies and navies who served or worked with the Brits and finally it was abbreviated "tits mate, tits" for anything that didn't really work or you knew it would go wrong.
    By the time the Americans were using Thailand as a base for their various "programs" during Vietnam and were looking for serving soldiers to be seconded to Thailand for "illegal" duty over or in Laos "TIT" had become the popular abbreviation for the posting when talking amongst other personnel. Phrases like "I'm going to TIT, better pay, better promotion, no rules" were commonplace. If you knew the thought process of the American serviceman he was hampered by "rules of engagement" and getting permission to even engage the enemy half the time, so he would volunteer to become part of the CIA's war in Laos where there were no rules and he would of course be based in TIT or tits-up, a country that things always go wrong in, because there were no real rules and everything was copied, badly I might add, and if it did work at the start it wouldn't work in the end.
    And the greeting once they landed at one of the US bases in Thailand was "welcome to TIT", a shake of the head and a rueful smile meant that nothing was right and if it was, it would go wrong in the future. And it did go wrong, just ask any of the "Blues" (infantry who rescued downed pilots in Laos, if the Viet Cong didn't "rescue" them first).
    And I suppose that some silly civilian who didn't understand the friendly banter between CIA paid soldiers thought they were talking about Thailand, which they were in a way, and they were talking about a welcome to Thailand and so it became This is Thailand, when in actual fact it was welcome to the disaster that will happen when everything goes "tits-up".
    That's the Reader's Digest version of TIT anyway.

  5. I am from Australia so don't know if the same rules apply. When I bought my two step children to Australia we had to go to the Amphur with the village headman and a relative and they made a Stat. Dec that their father had never looked after them . They stated that he had never paid any money to feed them or cloth them and that they did not know where he lived and hadn't been seen for many years. We gave this letter to the Aust. Embasy and they were satisfied with that. Hope this has helped you in some way. Their is no use trying to find the father. Phone your embasy and ask if you can do it this way. It will be far easyier for you and your wife and son. Forget about stepso, he is now your son to look after and man it is great. How old is he? My son was 5 and he is now 18 just finished high school and loves Australia. Best of luck.

    I have done the same as David, Go to the Amphor headman and get this document stating the father has never taken care of his son and that the mother is the sole carer. Get this Translated to English and keep both papers together. Do not lose as later on when in Canada you may want to change your sons name to yours and these papers again will have to be shown in the courts for proof of where the Father is. This is a ruling from Births Deaths and Marriages Registrar. This rule is for Australia , for Canada it could be different.

    Cheers Thommo.

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  6. Back in 2004 my thai G/F at the time had chronic case of the Jimmy Brits and she went to the 7/11 and bought a can of Pepsi and some salt.She poured have the pepsi into a glass and half a teaspoon of salt into glass , stir it up and erupted like volcano , down the hatch.It stopped the sh$ts . Since then I have tried it on several times and it has worked on me and other people in Thailand and home in Australia. Mabye the sodium in the salt and the Pepsi acts as a scourer. Where I worked in the Womens hospital the doctor gave the patient a dose of sodium citrate before going in for a C section just in case she has to put under if any complication. The sodium citrate settled the stomach .

  7. Just got back from Korat and used taxi's a couple of times to travel from Walrus Bar near Raya Grande Hotel to Choho home garden near Lake and markets. 115 baht one way , but travel through city traffic if run the metre. If you go the bypass road you have a pre determined cost 120 baht. Cost approx 200 bath to Dan Kwian

    Cheers Thommo.

  8. You mentioned you were going to use the same template as before, these forms change from time to time. I recommend you download the lastest forms or it will probably be returned to you,which means another application fee and lost time.

    Cheers and good luck.

    If you want to send me an email and I can discuss it further. At the moment I am in Thailand and returning to Brisbane Australia on the 6th April,

  9. Yes I have both and use them twice a day. 4 of the fillings were small with only 1 major filling in a back molar. Not bad since it was 10 years since my last filling. So thanks for your concern , I suppose you would have many trips to the dentists to remove your foot from your mouth. :jap:

  10. I went to Bangkok Hospital Korat in March this year for dental work. I rang up and booked for a certain time. I walked into the reception area showed my hospital card from a previous visit for a medical reason and sent to the dental offices upstairs. Walked into dental clinic and onto dentist chair pronto. Two hours later and 5 fillings , exrays , teeth cleaned paid 3300 baht. Dentist was a peridontist (dental surgeon) spoke very good english.

    I went last week to a dentist here in Australia for a filling , cost $250.00 aud. approx 7500 baht.

    I would recommend the dental services at this hospital. :rolleyes:

  11. I am wishing to change my thai wife's name and step-son's name to my surname. We have been marrieed for 3 years and both have permanent residency in Australia.We now live in Queensland Australia . Contacted Birth /D/Marr. office as the fathers name is still on the Birth Cert.Before coming to Australia we went to the Local registrar in her district applied for a form Chor 1. stating that the father has not been around for 6 years and that the mother was sole carer. We received back a letter from the Distrct Office on a Offical Plastic covered statement with offical seal affixed proving that she was acknowledge as sole carer for her son and his name had changed to mothers surname.

    Question is , when talking to B/D/Marr. office in Qld. mention was made of applying for s form 5 court order through the Queensland Court system to prove that she has sole custody.

    Has anyone been through this before or is the above evidence from thailand sufficent.


  12. After info on bringing son to Australia.

    1.Have tempory spousal visa and have been living in Aus.1 year.

    2.Wife has son(6y/o) still in Thailand and wishes to bring him to live in Aus.

    3.Put sons name on Spousal Visa Application and has had medical and police check.

    4.Do we need to apply for child visa 445 or can just get thai passport for him and fly to Aus.

    5.Cost for visa 445 is $215,but if on first spousal visa we should not have to apply for 445.

    6.If so do we take his new passport to Aust. Embassy to get stamp so that he can come to Aust.

    7.Son has Thai Father and is willing to sign Stat.Dec. for him to leave Thailand.


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