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  1. It's very interesting how so many ppl are saying to kill the dog and lock up the owner without fully knowing all of the circumstances of this situation. This breed has three types: 1) the straight pitbull terrier, 2) the Staffordshire bull terrier, and 3 ) the mixed breed. Which one is in this story? The straight pitbull is a more animal-aggressive dog. The Staffie is a more person-aggressive dog. And the mix is just that, a blend of both. The Staffie and the pit look alike because they are both of the terrier breed, but they are really pretty different. In the States, pit bulls are used mostly as hunting dogs to capture hogs (do an online search for ' hog hunting with pit bulls'). These hunting dogs killed no owners in those situations and are well cared for. Granted, this terrier breed is special, but it does have a place. So, if we are going to kill all of this breed, we should at least have a better understanding of its personality. And should we also kill all the hog-hunting pitbulls too? A lot boils down to the owner, though, as with any animal. consider the following search term ( pitbull protects family ), and again, a lot depends on the treatment of the animal, whether dog, horse, elephant, or big cat. In certain situations, this dog, when cared for properly and trained, is your very best friend. Your wife, your children, and all of your property are safe with this properly cared for, loved, and adequately trained dog in your home when you are away. They are not all bad. Just sharing a more balanced understanding of this breed.
  2. I've heard that hernias can reoccur at the same site of at the other side. Is there any specific thanks that can be done to strengthen the interior abdominal walls. I'd imagine this inner abdominal wall weakness is the crux of the hernia issue. Have any heard of ways to prevent hernias or their reoccurring? Perhaps certain exercises or vitamins or foods to support the inner abdominal walls?? Thanks, Vadis
  3. Once all is said and done is it possible to please provide the total price for all that you encountered in the repair of ur hernia? Different country, I know. Just curious. And was a mesh installed as a part of the repaid? Some ssay mesh in best to avoid reoccurance. Others say the mess causes irritatation. Any thoughts on mesh vs. no mesh? Thank you, Vadis
  4. This quote is in line with my thinking. I'm 67 now and the abdominal wall may indeed become weaker over time. Sometimes the hernia seems to be pulling down on my stomach area. The only way to prevent the hernia from causing pain in my stomach area is the either hold the hernia in or by taking fiber the night b4. For some reason the fiber keeps the hernia from pulling or causing pain under my navel. So I am actively seeking this repair. I just hope the surgeon is cautious not to injure the urinary or other tracts in this area.. sheesh! I'm going to begin by having a few tests done. I did have 1 ultrasound done and the tech asked me if it hurt when I urinated. I said sometimes.. apparently the tear is facing the urinary tract.. Then the issue of mesh or possibly of a non mesh solution reoccurring. Lots to parse and I'm thankful for all who have added their comments to help me see this issue from several sides.. I'm truly grateful..
  5. What diagnostic method is best to know if my hernia is or will Impact my testicles?? Ultra sound or other?? Thanks nonetheless Vadis
  6. I understand this and it kinda makes sense bc there could be complications. Thanks for you insight. Vadis
  7. Thank you do very much for your comments. I truly appreciate it. Vadis
  8. Hello. I am an older American living in Vietnam. I met a guy who suggested that I should contact Ms. Sheril for direction of who to contact for an inguinal hernia (open) surgery in Thailand. That Ms. Sheril would be able to direct me to which hospital and doctor(s) that would be best. Please Ms. Sheril if you can, suggest surgeons that I can contact for this procedure. Thank you and all the best, Vadis

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