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CM Dub

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  1. Thanks to Red Phoenix for his instructions on registering and filing the TM.30 online. Thank you also Sheist - I'm in Singapore until mid-month and cannot download the app here. I'll try it when I get to Thailand.
  2. I’m seeking help with completing the TM.30 online. I have successfully registered as the “possessor” (uploaded the owner’s ID; my passport details page; house registration book; and a copy of the lease), but will need to complete the TM.30 for my partner and myself in a little over a week’s time. On the upper section of the webpage, what do I input for ‘Visa Type’ - For a Non-O (retirement) Visa (i.e. myself and my partner after we get this visa); – For a Visa Exempt visitor (which we will be for the first month)? ‘Relationship’ – what does this refer to? Relationship to me as in “partner”, “brother” or “friend”? What is the difference between the upper and lower sections of the webpage? On the top, I provide details of the first person staying (i.e. myself as “possessor” and the registered person when I return from travelling). Do I then repeat my details in the lower section? On the lower section of the webpage, I include my partner (civil-partner), or an occasional visitor such as a friend or relative? ‘Status’ – what does this refer to? What do I fill in here? ‘Visa Type’ – presumably as above? Relationship - – presumably as above? Thank you for any help you can provide.
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