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Posts posted by ChicagoExpat

  1. 22 minutes ago, RayC said:


    So a retaliatory "useless" gesture, which offers little, if any, practical benefit to Israel but which would potentially alienate traditional allies.


    A rational decision would be to be avoid doing so but rationality seems to be a dwindling resource in this conflict.

    First of all, don't take comments made in a forum like this as serious policy proposals.  That said, Israel owes these "traditional allies" nothing; clearly they weren't worried about alienating Israel when they did this.  My point is, turnabout is fair play and Spain in particular is in no place to be trying to force an issue.

  2. 6 hours ago, Excogitator said:

    Thats better.


    I was commenting factually and calmly, then you barged in, disregarded any facts and views that didn't conform to your bias, and reacted with anger as soon as I pointed that out.


    Not cool, and it doesn't set the tone for a meaningful conversation.


    Anyway. I have no quarrel with anyone in here, and I wish you a good day.


    What you're saying, though, simply isn't true.  This is my first comment to you.  It wasn't "barging in, disregarding facts" etc.


    This really needs to be qualified.  I too think that someday there should be a Palestinian state but also believe that now is 100% NOT the time to do it.  It DOES reward Hamas -- saying anything else is an obvious untruth, and practically speaking... there's nothing to recognize.  Who would run this "state", where the controllers of half the territory are corrupt, incompetent and ineffectual and controllers of the other half are quite literally bloodthirsty murderers (who wiped out representatives of Fatah in a brutal purge)?  It's sadly hilarious that pretty much EVERYTHING Hamas stands for, and SO MUCH Palestinians would choose to make the law of their land, would be anathema to Irish and EU values.



  3. 5 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    It certainly did. It shows that you recognise that renaissance are not overnight, spontaneous events. They come through the freedom of individuals to act and think independently. 


    Fundamentally, we all have the same basic needs and desires. When it boils down to it, there is zero reason to assume that Palestinians are and different to the rest of us. 


    The question therefore is, should we continue to allow Israel to oppress, dispossess and dehumanise them because we don't like the people in charge of them, or should we recognise that they have a fundamental right to the same freedoms we enjoy?


    Admittedly, there will be issues along the way. Generations of anger at how Israel and the world has abused them cannot be washed away in an instant, but with support from the rest of the world, hopefully a prosperous and peaceful Palestine can return.

    Well, among the ways I think you might be off here is that you seem to assume that 1) Palestinians will (eventually) want Western values.  I don't think that's a given.  And think there is plenty of reasons to assume Palestinians, and many other cultures, ARE INDEED "different from the rest of us."  Heck, WE'RE "different from the rest of us."  There is no 100% consensus in the West on what values are right and good for society.  The idea that the Islamic world, or other world cultures, want Western values is on its face wrong.  2) And you can see from my other responses that I completely and totally reject a simplistic assignment of blame to this conflict, so I reject the premise of "the question."

  4. 6 hours ago, tgw said:


    Putin did not allow that solution, where Ukraine would join the EU and remain a neutral country. Ukraine was forbidden by Putin to join the EU. He was keeping Crimea anyway too and would not have stopped the conflict with LPR/DPR.

    Someone like Putin cannot allow Ukraine, with which over 50% of City-Russians have family ties with, to become free and prosperous on his doorstep. Russians would then see and learn and oust Putin in no time. That's the reason why Ukraine had to remain under Russian rule.

    And it's part of the historical paranoia and insistence that others unwillingly die on Russia's behalf.  Paranoia, because Russians ALWAYS think that everyone is out to destroy them ALL THE TIME, and insistence that others die for them -- well, that's one of the functions of the vassal states they create.  And Putin has always been very clear on this -- not allowing NATO on his borders.

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  5. 21 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

    What led to liberal western values? So you think that they have always been there? 

    Not sure of the relevance?  But sure I'll answer.  A long a complicated history that involved social, philosophical, and religious values -- the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Enlightenment, Marxism, the American and French revolutions... many many things, some in opposition to each other.


    Did that help?

  6. 16 hours ago, RayC said:


    Far from apples to apples. Payback for what? Can you explain how such a move would help any party (Israel, Palestine, Spain, Catalan or Basque separatists, the EU)?

    Sure -- it would be a useless gesture designed to get under the skin of the other country.  Help anyone other than a feel-good gesture for one side (just like the other gesture)?  Likely not.

  7. 3 hours ago, RuamRudy said:


    Or maybe they recognise that the first step to becoming an inclusive society is to become a free society? It is barely 30 years since same-sex activity was decriminalised in Ireland - the west might be leading the way in that respect but this is a relatively new phenomenon. 

    If they believe installing Hamas as an internationally recognized government will lead to such things as liberal Western social values... well, it's hard to know what to say about that.

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  8. 46 minutes ago, Excogitator said:

    You are looking at this the wrong way. Hamas raison d'etre is based on Israel's decades long oppression of the Palestinian people, denying them their own state, and a life in dignity, peace and prosperity. If the Palestinian people had all this, there would be no reason for Hamas to even exist.


    Anyone who cares enough about the peoples of Israel, Palestine and peace in the Middle East, knows that a two state solution is the only way forwards.

    1) The terror problem/Palestinian propensity for terrorism long predated Hamas.  It existed even when things were very hopeful, when there was literally no border or restrictions on Palestinians from both Gaza and the West Bank to enter Israel, and when Israelis made multiple offers to create a state.  2) You can't move forward to create an ideal world when a huge cancer prevents that dream from becoming reality -- and that cancer is not just hardened Israeli attitudes.  Far worse, or at a minimum equally worse, are Palestinian attitudes, Hamas, and Hamas' patron, Iran.


    So I would suggest you're looking at it this the wrong way, and from a way so imbalanced it prevents you from seeing the situation clearly.  There are many, many factors in this -- and the best thing an educated person could say about characterizing this solely as "Israel's decades long oppression of the Palestinian people, denying them their own state, and a life in dignity, peace and prosperity" is, it's wildly inaccurate and incomplete.

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