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Everything posted by Justme2012

  1. Once again someone needs education in a subject they know zero about but just regurgitate far right nonsense. 1. No person under 18 gets totally reversible hormone blockers without a minimum of one medical Dr prescription plus two psychiatric Drs examinations “ever”. 2. There have been fewer than a dozen surgeries done on any individual under 18 for SRS (this of course does not include young girls getting breast implants) Even Thailand follows this protocol 3. Even an adult needs the same Medical Dr. Approval and the two psychologists approval before a surgeon can preform SRS
  2. The attack on the Transgender community is completely unfounded , the side issues re; 1. sports … if the transgender female begins hormone treatment before puberty builds her body like a male then I see zero problem with them participating in sports. and the main issue with transgender women participating is sports started with an American woman competing in swimming events even though she was beaten every time by cis gender women ???? 2. Restroom issues… there has never been a attack from a transgender woman in a woman’s restroom “ever” in the USA soooo what’s the issue? Paranoid men ! the reason I post the laughing ???? emoji so many times is because it’s humorous that the trolls love to argue an uneducated point .
  3. You’re partially correct… we don’t know her physical status (based in this article) But the fact that both claim to be women shouldn’t be anyone else’s business. I happen to have read a lot about them both and her transition is complete as far as medical science allows in todays world. She wasn’t simply claiming to be a woman but her journey had been over 20 years it’s sad that some people feel threatened by the Transgender community… in the USA they represent less than 1/2 of 1 percent of the population! Incredible that such a minority had received top billing in the politics in the USA ! Wow such paranoia ????????????????????
  4. Both are women … fact…. just because one wasn’t born female doesn’t mean surgeries and Hormones can’t change the person , this is common with those born with both organs. Take the time to educate yourself! Or not and remain in the dark ????????????????
  5. First of all, to the critics who are obviously emotionally adolescent… go pay your respects to your local fat right church. secondly, the Transgender Woman in this story “is” a fully transitioned woman, the Thai woman in this story “is” a woman. insulting either person is this story defines you! Not them neither of the women in this story asked for the publicity, they only wanted to express a very personal event. The fact that many news agencies carried their story only shows support for their choice. in addition ; in Thailand the popular opinion is acceptance ! With over 3 million views on the TikTok story and growing every day ! to the popular votes…. Keep it going and drown out these selfish imps who probably are miserable anyway
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