Quick poll here, to set my sanity straight.... because I'm at the point now I am not sure I am living in the real world anymore.
Quick info on me: 40 year old single professional, reasonably successful/wealthy, fairly good looking/in shape, well educated (graduate degrees) American guy of European descent, have been living in Thailand for 6 years, speak and read/write Thai, have my own car, etc. You get the picture. Unfortunate bit, I run my own company which is engineering/software, work late hours, and from home. I don't have much opportunity to socialize, although I do frequent coffee shops, restaurants every single day and on weekends try to visit night spots (bars/clubs)--although I'm getting a bit old for the club scene. Not really meeting any people though this approach.
I dated back in 2017 and had instant/unmanageable success on dating apps, seemed like every girl in the country wanted to go on dates with me. I went on at least 10 a week--most were not right for me, looking for sugar daddy, free dinners, or a 'customer'. To make the point, I am looking for a normal girl--someone who does not fall into these categories--rather a professional, educated Thai woman who does not or has never sold her body on the street and is looking for a meaningful relationship that is more than skin or wallet deep.
I have now been single for quite a while, have tried dating apps, matchmakers, even hired a few people to work FOR me running dating apps--on top of the ones I'm using myself. Subscribed to everything, great profiles, etc. Even had a marketing girl work on some of this for me.
4 months now of employed help, pounding the ground, with me actively involved, absolutely no interest and 0 dates. The only girls that will approach online are either not girls (kathoey) or prostitutes. Every other girl who has a profile that is attractive (i.e., a professional with a cultured background seeking a meaningful relationship) disengages, does not correspond, or in some cases, even blocks me. We're talking like 2-3 lines of conversation in here... I'm not asking them to mail me soiled panties.
I've tried EVERYTHING possible, and no results. What the HELL is going on Thailand? Is this JUST me? Are these girls only interested in men who DONT live in Thailand (want a ticket out)? Or do they all want salaries to be a "gf" and they automatically think I won't pay, without asking?
At wits end here. I'm thinking about hiring ads for the BTS and MRT next or standing in Asok intersection with a bag of money.