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  1. Most will be gone in a few years time, some will make it. But to many doing it, mostly the same sort of stories. Money will dry up, time to get a proper job. Oops to late to old. and partied to long, back to bedsit in Birmingham.
  2. That would be a very cold day in Hell. if I required your advice. what a hoot you are.
  3. The lads went there in that truck to kill people. But they died instead. Oh dear never mind.
  4. II his one of the ones that keep ripping up and down Jomtien second road all night long. All i can say, is hope the bike and the road recovers.
  5. The cops are just fishing. Think bail can be extended up to 1 year. Reckon they have his passport as a bail condition. Don't reckon they have anything hard on him, they are just waiting for him to trip himself up in any interview. Maybe they will make a move to exhume the body for more tests as the next move. His is innocent until proven guilty. Also we are talking about the uk police force here, they couldn't find a happy meal in a Mc Donald's. But are a dab hand at face book crimes, by old ladies.
  6. His still walking the streets of the uk and has not been charged. End of for now.
  7. Bla, Bla, Bla, They have jack <deleted> on him. They are just trying to smoke someone out. Do you realize the crime was over 20 years ago. what's the new evidence ?
  8. Nah Just like to know what I'm talking about. unlike yourself.
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