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Posts posted by rocketboy2

  1. 12 minutes ago, Toby1947 said:

    You make no demands on the NHS until things go pear shaped. Then scurry home cap in hand, tough sh#t.


    I'm happy for any British citizen to be treated by the NHS, regardless of there circumstances.

    But I'm a 100% against the illegal's, walking straight through the open front door everyday.

    Getting all that the uk has to offer from day one, and all uk citizens being pushed to the back of the line.

    Disgusting uk politicians on all sides, they should all be ashamed of themselves.



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  2. 9 minutes ago, Middle Aged Grouch said:

    The UK sends billions to Ukraine in weapons and money but teats it's own population in such a manner.


    They always find the money to poke there noses into other countries problems. and stick two fingers up to there own citizens. nothing new. 

    But all, as they all drive home to there mansions every Friday night.

    Team GB, what a laugh. 



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  3. 46 minutes ago, JBChiangRai said:


    You can't leave it in a will as it's not your property.


    The company has to be wound up and the proceeds split 49% to your estate and 51% to the nominee shareholders.


    Ok., so unless you have your family as the other share holders.

    Most likely the dosh is gone, Somchai  and mates 51% just got a windfall. with no come back from your estate.

    Sounds like a recipe for a train wreck. 

    but each to there own. 

    Have I missed something ?



  4. 1 hour ago, gravity101 said:

    23 years later, mine still does this company thing. As long as their is no wp and income is recorded and taxes are paid (usually called house rent payments), this model is fine. In fact it's so long now, no one would be able to figure out if the wife didn't pay capital to the company or not.


    Interestingly I just had a friend buy a house with a brand new conpany that has a Thai foreign living friend as the 51. Went through creation and land department easily and very quickly.


    What will happen on your demise.

    do the Thai share holders, just sign it all over to your wife ?

    Assuming they are all trust worthy, up standing members of Thai society.

    Would you not be leaving a possible train wreck for your wife and possible family. ?

    just asking, as a newbie on this subject. 


    BTW, if a government official ask you a question about origin of funds.

    The onus,  is on you, not them. well I would assume this,  as I'm a newbie to this subject.


    But good luck and I wish you all well, for the company route.

    But I just think,  its all just a race against time ( foreigner dying ) and wife / family ( Thai ).

    good day.



  5. 3 hours ago, Hakuna Matata said:


    Yes, there are many fake Buddhists in Thailand, especially in big cities.


    Deep in the Thailand province, there are many real Buddhists, including my brother-in-law and my Thai wife.


    Well I live in the sticks for most of the year, and my experience is most Thai ladies go to the temples to

    pray for lottery numbers and even buy lottery tickets on the grounds.

    but, I'm sure some are real Buddhists. like the two monks I see the other day,  one in the drivers seat of a mini van and his monk mate buying lottery tickets. :jap:


    Ps, But sure there are some good ones.







  6. 29 minutes ago, natway09 said:

    This has been going on for years.

    Many farang have purchased their "home" by forming a company with Thais as 51% nominees only.


    Yes and many of us, chose not to do this company thing.

    25 years latter, I'm still ok with not doing it.

    But I never invested all my dosh in Thailand, like some have done.

    You just can't trust this place 100%, When will the next witch hunt start, with this PM in-charge ?

    It comes down to that old saying.

    Never invest more money, than your prepared to lose, in Thailand.

    No bottom burps here. :jap:





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