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Posts posted by HaleyPage47

  1. Just got a job and moved to Bangkok a couple weeks ago. Yes my job offers health insurance but I have a preexisting condition and they are denying me coverage. I take several medications which are strictly controlled and can only be purchased in a private hospital— not a pharmacy or a government hospital. I went to a private hospital here in Thailand a couple days ago and they quoted me 24,000 Baht for a 30 day supply. That’s way more than I paid before I moved here. The medicines are Clonazepam (here sold as Rivotril) and Topiramate (sold as Topamax). Does anybody have suggestions on where I can get medicine for cheaper? Advice is much appreciated thank you!

  2. I just accepted a job offer in Bangkok and will be moving there soon. I live in the USA currently. I currently take Topiramate and Clonazepam for my epilepsy and just want to know if these medicines are available in Thailand. I’m pretty sure Topiramate is, but since Clonazepam is a controlled drug I don’t know what the rules are. My health insurance is fully paid for by my new job in Bangkok. I talked to them already about it and they want me to fill out some paperwork because they don’t know if the health insurance will cover preexisting conditions. Anyway yeah I just want to know if Clonazepam is available in Bangkok and anything else I should know about receiving healthcare in Thailand. Thank you so much!!!! 

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