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  1. I've been searching for information on obtaining a Thai ID card, but it appears to be quite challenging. I've heard that having an Ed visa should make it easier, but I could use some valuable guidance on the process. Can anyone provide assistance on how to obtain one as a foreigner? Cheers and have a great day!
  2. I'm about to finish my one-year language Ed visa and plan to extend it for another year. How long should I wait before returning to Thailand to apply for another year? I've heard conflicting information - some say I should wait one month before returning, while others suggest doing a border run and reapplying upon reentry. Additionally, I'm wondering if it's possible to extend my Ed visa for another year without leaving Thailand. Could you please clarify these options? Thank you for your response!
  3. lets say i cancel my ed visa so my last day to stay is util 1 mars and fly to cambodia and come back to thailand on land thru boarder by my self without any agency, will that be an issue?
  4. yeah my plan is to get one more ed-visa for 1 year. The thing is that some say this fee is not needed
  5. I am planning to conduct a border run as my ED-visa is ended. Upon visiting a visa agency for assistance, I was informed that I would need to pay 3000 baht for the border run itself and an additional 3000 baht to clear my passport from the ED-visa status, totaling 6000 baht. I am unsure if this additional fee to clear my passport is legitimate, especially considering I have already canceled my ED-visa. Alternatively, I am considering flying out of Thailand to Cambodia and returning via a border crossing. Given that my proficiency in the Thai language is limited, I am concerned about potential language assessments at the airport. Therefore, I am contemplating re-entering Thailand through the Khlong Yai border crossing. Could you please advise if this plan is advisable? I have never undertaken a border run in Thailand before and would appreciate any guidance or insights you can provide. Thank you."
  6. When I exchange my Eu driving license at the DLT in Chonburi, my current license only covers cars and 50cc motorcycles. I'm curious if my new Thai license will allow me to ride motorcycles larger than 50cc or if a Thai car license permits driving any type of motorcycle? If its not possible what can i do to get a motorcycle license?Thank you for your help!
  7. They are testing your skills to see if you really did study thai for example, since there is a lot of students just do it for it he visa
  8. 😅 that would be crazy! That’s what my school told but I don’t know how often they do it. When it comes to boarders I am not so sure
  9. Thanks for you amazing answer. Can recommend me a border that is safe for bounce back? Maybe close to pattaya
  10. Sounds like a good option, is there any good close to pattaya? I heard a story that someone paying 10000 baht to clear there passport, what the meaning of that and is that a thing?
  11. Thanks for your response. I am not sure, which one should I take? I am in Pattaya now, so the closest best I guess.
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