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Everything posted by Otter3737

  1. I think the outcome is the possibility of a crippled and unstable civilian government dictated to by a band of unelected elites. Under the 2017 Constitution, Thailand’s political future does not look promising, and years away from democricy.
  2. I agree but does not need to be violence a General strke
  3. its a name The Mp's are not banned just the name
  4. Ah !!! i was just about to ask what would happen, to be honest i can not see the point to all this surly the old guard must know if another elect takes place it will come back a greater majority just a diffrent party name ??????
  5. you are correct welome to Thailand
  6. But they have not said anything yet so he is a MP
  7. What you have quoted are by definiton Media
  8. hmmmm maybe not so sure will wait and see
  9. You are Incorrect there Is NO suspension by the court that is an opinion by the EC you need to read the news he will be in Parlement Tommorow
  10. Not sure about the suspension but the second is the most dangerous as it effects the whole party not just Pita
  11. Little the Junta and later Chan Ocha have done has affected us foreigners, but the average Thai, has had to put up with this, Our children have not been locked up for protesting against an illicit government - remember the outside world has the widely held belief that the 2019 election was a corrupt sham and that the election result was stolen from the real winners. The coupists Constitution was designed to prevent any other prime minister or party ousting the military-heavy government and peace was only restored due to the terror inspired by the constant crackdowns on dissent which had become well-nigh eradicated. Section 112 and loose laws on computer crime etc have served the outgoing government well in exerting control, while under their incompetant mismanaging the country now has the biggest personal debt world wide, and air pollution was the world's worst in Chaing Mai recently while the government did - nothing! Drought and flood were pressing needs but we are now warned about an El Nino drought for the coming year, and 18 separate dissenting water management agencies are unable to agree or cooperate on any solution. Farmers burn bio-waste in fields next door to police stations who simply close their windows and turn on the air-con and police corruption is reckoned to be at an all time high. As I said - bad air and the high price of energy, especially considering Thailand boasts of 50% over capacity and owning oil wells in the gulf demonstrating the hi-so elites control of basics while the equality gap worsens year on year. I hope the MFP coalition and Pita succeed this time and that the army are constrained against yet another coup and forced to relinquish their businesses - armies should not be involved in sports businesses, nor in drugs, people trafficking etc as they with police are reputed to be. The Thai people deserve far better than they have been allowed by successive corrupe military coups!
  12. I am presuming you have been to these countrys and seen all this good living, well i have and i must have worn blinkers becuse the average joe does Not have this, if it is as you say why are you not there ???? sorry to say but you are smoking some thing or dreaming you need to prove all this or i think you can class this as a troll post
  13. correct but Pita is a MP
  14. By definiton Books are literature which in turn are media and by the leter of the law is not allowed the law does not care about Stephen King/Tomayanti
  15. Incorrect Pita is a MP he was endorsed by the EC a couple of weeks ago, along with the rest of them he will be able to enter parliment
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