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Everything posted by Ulyssesamui

  1. You, as a Dems sycophant, can not face the fact that President Trump is doing what he promised, something that is anathema with the Dems. President Trump is a breath of fresh air: the US is dumping the corrupt WHO, USAID, sanctuary cities, parts of the corrupt UN and challenging the narco-states and open border policy of the WEF 'Young Leader". He will win, quick time. You seem to be under some illusion that President Trump has started or is starting wars. Are you out of your Democratic mind? Or maybe you only believe what the MSM feeds you (probably intravenously).
  2. You believe the Bolshevik Broadcasting Company (BBC)?
  3. I think there is a time-out on these events. Better the devil you know.... springs to mind. Assad was a bad actor, but ISIS and Al Qu'ida sponsored the coup. From a security point of view, Assad was under control, at least by the Russians. The Israelis have been taking out armament assets in Syria for that reason. If Syria falls to ISIS/Al Qu'ida, then the whole of the Middle East will be destabilised. Be careful what you wish for!!!! The Taliban promised it had reformed after Biden's withdrawal fiasco but have reverted to their original fundamentalist behaviour.
  4. This is no surprise. I witnessed the large number of African 'ladies' in Sukhumvit Road near to Ashok BTS. Quite amazing and aggressive too.
  5. Agh! The land of smiles. Any bets on the nationalities of victim and perp?
  6. I also questioned the 20k / month rent, unheard of on Samui.
  7. 'Despite its provocative name, the shop's popularity is attributed to its owner's extensive experience and skill in men's hairstyling.' Hahahah yeah, right!! Good luck to her; who said the Thais are not entrepreneurial?
  8. It would be appreciated if such measures and posters were imposed upon restaurants, including vaping.
  9. This is an interesting development. I have just renewed my Retirement visa for the 9th time. I needed a minimum of Tb800,000 in the bank for three months prior to the application, and this must be held for some time after. I needed health insurance (notarised as it is a foreign policy). I needed a letter from the bank, which is only acceptable if issued on the day of application, and a medical examination and certificate. That is not to mention a photo in front of my house showing the house number, a Google Map showing my house location and a sketch map of the same. I further needed a lease agreement and a copy of the house book. Finally, a copy of all 66 pages of my passport. I also required a multi-entry visa stamp as I travel often. I still need to register with immigration 60 days after entering Thailand. Cost Tb5700.00. I now read for Tb10,000 I can get a DTV for 5 years multi-enty and unlimited entries to the Kingdom. This does not make any sense. Surely, Immigration should now extend the 5-year visa designation to all those on a Retirement Visa?
  10. This is a factual report that does highlight the problems here on Samui. Water shortages are commonplace; this situation can only worsen with unrestrained development. A new multi-million flood alleviation scheme merely puts flood waters into the sea instead of harvesting the water, an opportunity missed in my opinion. Road safety is a major concern and can be laid firmly at the door of hideously lousy road conditions with subsidence caused by low-quality repairs. and sand on corners. Finally, rubbish collection hardly exists, so piles of rotting rubbish dumped at the side of the road are commonplace. Development must be constrained; concete does not help fill the shale water resource and more villas, more water usage and more road damage from overuse. Having said that, I do detect a positive effort by the Mayor to address some of these shortcomings. But I still love Samui.
  11. This would be unacceptable behaviour in any country and illegal in my own. Add the location to that deed; it is outrageous. It is not hard to identify the nationality from that one photo and no one will be surprised...
  12. Throw the book at this drug dealer. A years in The Monkey House will teach him a lesson. He and his ilk are not wanted here.
  13. Fishing in the Kok River and he met a naked ladyboy? You could not make this up
  14. For renewal of a British passport, I use Mark Jacobs, who is based in Bangkok. Mark takes all the pain out of the renewal process; I recommend him. You can contact Mark on 0990049203 or WhatsApp.
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