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  1. People burn multiple times a day here in Pattaya. It is bad for our health and our dogs, who are often outside. I have serious doubts about whether they will enforce it.
  2. That is so sweet! We've adopted numerous dogs as puppies here. More strays need that kind of love. They are the best pets and will give you a lifetime of love. We have 5. We had 6 until our old boy passed away in July.
  3. I've about had it with people blowing s*hit up here. We have 5 dogs and they're petrified on Chinese New Year, New Years, etc. It's time for the police to do something about this.
  4. Oh. You mean there are going to be less mainland Chinese here? Less tour busses? Really? That's a damn shame...
  5. Only two months for taking the life of a beautiful animal? Maybe the guy should put up some fences. He should be in prison for years. If anyone ever did anything to our dogs they'd have me to deal with. One thing I'll say, though, is that it is also the dog owner's fault for letting his dog run free. That shouldn't happen, but it happens a lot here in Thailand. We control our dogs and keep them from harm's way.
  6. I don't see anything wrong with what he said. We all freaked out every time the orange one made a move last time, and we see where it got us: him back in the White House after a shaky four years under Biden. If more Democrats took this kind of attitude, we might have a chance to regain the White House and Congress. Fetterman is very much a common-sense guy. There's very little of that in politics. If our representatives on both sides of the aisle took that attitude, the government might start working for us again instead of making everything a partisan issue.
  7. What are they running short of money? I guess 28 billion dollars doesn't buy you as much as it used to...
  8. Are there any police there? Why didn't she call the police instead of shooting a video?
  9. I don't agree with much of what he does, but AI dominance is great! However the country we need to beat is China, not the EU.
  10. Most of this is kind of common sense. But since many people don't have that, I guess you have to point it out.
  11. What a novel thought. We have some as*holes who burn here every day. Drives me nuts. Pattaya is bad.
  12. LOL. You'd hope these guys have some resources in India talking about this crap. It happens over and over and over. And leave your gold home Maynard!

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