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AL Duclur

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Everything posted by AL Duclur

  1. Thanks everyone for your responses. Helped me calm down. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that since you have 7 days to do the 90 day after the date and I will be at airport immigration within that time frame, there should be no problem. And, as others noted, I have never had them check my 90 day at the airport. But, there could always be a first! That is one of the exciting things about Thailand
  2. I tried making an appointment. Got an error message and when I refreshed it wanted me to sign into MS outlook email
  3. If a country taxes me on worldwide income I would expect to get most of the same privileges as citizens with the exception of voting. That would include access to the national medical insurance system and right to buy a home or land in my name just like Thais. Without those rights I wouldn't stay in Thailand.
  4. I am leaving Thailand with my family on the 26th of Oct. We have moved from our home in Hua Hin and are staying in a hotel in Bangkok while tying up loose ends. Alas, the 90 day got forgotten in the craziness of moving. 1. Do I need to go back to Hua Hin for the 90 day or can I do it in Bangkok? Not enough time to do it online and don't want to risk a visa agent losing my passport this close to my flight. 2. I read it is possible to make an appointment for the 90 day at CW in advance. How? Thanks
  5. Thanks. How much did it cost to use an agent and it's there one you recommend
  6. Hello, Has anyone taken a pet to the US since Thailand was labeled a high risk country? Doing so is no longer easy and is rather confusing. I have jumped through the hoops of requirements to apply for an import permit (which is required for Thailand if you don't want your dog to spend 30 days in quarantine in the US). Now I am trying to make travel arrangements and apply for the import permit. Unfortunately, I can't find any information about what exactly happens at the US airport when I get there and how long it takes. I am moving with family and dog to Pittsburgh, PA. There are a number of airports any pet from Thailand must check in at with the CDC and Pittsburgh isn't one of them. The fights stop at another airport such as JFK or Philadelphia. I called the CDC and they had no idea whether I will only need to deal with the CDC at Philadelphia since it is closer to Pittsburgh or go through the CDC evaluation at the airport I first touch ground in the USA at such at JFK. The CDC operator thought it might have to do with how the dog is tranported: cabin, hold or as cargo. I also need to find out how long I need to give it at the airport for connecting flights. Any thoughts? The phone support woman suggested I email the CDC which I will but that sounds like a month wait at least for a response
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