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Everything posted by illisdean

  1. Wrong in what? That the corrupt vegetable is getting annihilated in the polls and lowest job approvable president on record by a MAGA superior candidate, DJT! Here ya go, there is nothing wrong now, but ask Comer and Jordan, how your corrupt boy Biden and his crime family are going to get further interrogated under subpeona by the congress, and maybe you think Bidens toilet bowl ratings can improve, you would be wrong. Dead wrong. Biden is despised except for the morons who voted for him. Also, you would be wrong to think the demented vegetable will be on the ballot. Democrats don't want him for 2nd term, look it up if you don't believe it, or think it's wrong. In the meantime, tell me if this Times'Sienna result is wrong. I also want you to share with all how much you like or dislike this poll result for MAGA Trump. (whats not to like) Please reply with your answer, so everyone can have a laugh and hoot, but don't be wrong, AGAIN.
  2. Child poverty has more than doubled. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/12/joe-biden-anti-poverty-economics-00115217
  3. Have you checked how much revenue Putin is making now, since Bidens wimpy sanctions have done nothing but embolden and empower the likes of Russia, Iran, hamas....the cartels ....when does it end with this corrupt vegetable. If you checked before making a fool of yourself again you might know Putin is seeing higher oil revenues than before the war with UA.
  4. And was responsible for the deaths of 13 service members and never taking responsibility for NOTHING, Biden is a feckless coward. Throw in no less than 100K fentanyl deaths, child sex trafficking due to Biden's border insurrection. A humanitarian and national security crisis never seen before until your demented savior showed up.
  5. I cannot help you with your reading comprehension so have a look at the included pictures, the graphs, maybe you can get the details and facts straight and accept some reports as factually based. Maybe not though. You only see what you want to see, as long as it's negative Trump, so if you can post some photos of Biden doing something useful, coherent, intelligent and when he's not sitting on the beach, eating ice cream. sleeping all day only to wake up for lunch, it might be good therapy for you. Don't have to thank me for being helpful.
  6. Stock market should be be voting for Trump (should come as no surprise to anyone paying attention). Everything is better with Trump, check the job approvals and polls on who has more confidence in the economy, immigration, quality of life ("hurt vs helped" and so much more. Trump is leading Biden and also should come as no surprise to anyone paying attention. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-the-stock-markets-performance-under-biden-is-worse-than-under-obama-and-trump-in-one-chart-65f73fb3
  7. Stock market should be be voting for Trump (should come as no surprise to anyone paying attention). Everything is better with Trump, check the job approvals and polls on who has more confidence in the economy, immigration, quality of life ("hurt vs helped" and so much more. Trump is leading Biden and also should come as no surprise to anyone paying attention. Reference: Marketwatch In 1 Chart
  8. How about you, whats your opinion of Biden, Bidenomics and the overt Biden corruption and his laughable legacy who the world is laughing at. Would you be dumb enough to vote twice for the most corrupt politician in American history (assuming you are eligible to vote in US elections). Do you think Biden's lies are intentional or due to his mental instability & cognitive decline, or both? Do you think Biden would benefit from some therapy, maybe something like shock treatment?
  9. Are u referring to the the crack head junkie extraordinaire, tax felon, firearms felon, the "smartest man Joe knows", Hunter the worlds most successful crackhead? I think the crack head, his uncle and other Biden family members involved in corrupt Joes influence corruption scheme are scheduled for coming subpeona's to testify in congress to answer corruption, tax evasion, money laundering questions. This is about revealing the truth and details of Bidens corruption to American's who have a right to know and that congressional members have a duty of obligation to perform. The timing is exquissite, wouldn't you agree, unless you are a Biden, especially Joe who I am sure is looking forward to witnessing the house loonies lead by Comer and Jordan as they rip apart the layers of the Biden corruption onion further augmenting Joes plummeting poll numbers AND his laughable and VERY humiliating legacy. They should have known better instead of trying to ruin Trump who by far is in the drivers seat now. LOL.
  10. Key word being "if", as it will not happen. The vegetable-in-chief drops out due to oh, the impeachment inquiry into Biden corruption and his crime family which will surely drop Biden's poll numbers except for indoctrinated and brainwashed fools perhaps. He's in big trouble now and the aid and comfort he's bestowing on America's enemies, the insurrection at the southern border far more implicate Biden in terms of the 14th A Section 3 compared to the insurrection that did NOT happen (FBI conclusion and no evidence and ZERO indictments) Jan 6 and this could blow up in his face real soon and get him scrubbed from the ballot as well. How can Biden's polls increase under these circumstances especially when you throw in the very likely outcome of SP Jack Smith's pending Amicus brief challenging his legitimacy of his status which would end his Jan 6 case and MAL doc case as well, as in tossed into the toilet along with Biden's polling stats and job approvals. If the DOJ loses SC Smith, they will need to appoint a new and legitimate SC need to start both Jan 6 and MAL indictments from scratch and refile charges. This would more than likely be the end of these two bogus & political persecutions based on Biden lawfare. Your beloved Biden and his deep state henchman misfits are running out of ways to stop Trump, it's all coming to an end for the vegetable and his pathetic record of failures. Link Amicus Brief: https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23/23-624/293864/20231220140217967_US v. Trump amicus final.pdf Biden refuses to believe the polls and he wants you to get suckered in too and believe his lies over and over again. He's such a loser whose destructive reign is coming to an end soon. He seems to think his devout followers believe all his lies and ridiculously asinine rhetoric. If he somehow escapes the deluge coming his way w/o getting destroyed, what moron votes for this corrupt liar? “You’re reading the wrong polls,” Biden said. While the president was walking from the building to his waiting vehicle, a car crashed into a parked U.S. Secret Service SUV that was blocking off the intersection during his departure. Both Biden and first lady Jill Biden were unharmed. Politico Link: “You’re reading the wrong polls,"
  11. https://time.com/5636715/biden-1988-presidential-campaign/#:~:text=The “final,trip to Europe Biden and his lies have not gone unnoticed, and another good reason he's polling in the toilet against a vastly superior candidate in Trump. Voters don't want Biden, it should be obvious to even you. In 1987 he got called out for ...u guessed it...plagiarism. LOL....what a loser. Had to drop out, end his campaign after only 3 months. Another great addition to the humiliating Biden legacy. And wait, the congress is going to investigate the living daylights out of the Bidens with their supercharged impeachment inquiry subpoena powers. The Biden legacy of failures and embarrassments. https://news.yahoo.com/why-joe-biden-first-campaign-200550221.html
  12. Biden is pretty dumb, and his vegetable brain has turned to mush and at the end of the day, the only people that are dumber than Biden are those that voted for him. Biden or whoever committed sedition, probably difficult for you to understand, but if you are referring to 14th, Sec 3, then giving aid and comfort to the ebemy is exactly what Biden HAS DONE. If you think about it, you might catch on. I am not trying to make you look stupid, as you seem to have that on full display here. Sorry for you, but go check the 14th and see how Biden has inculpated himself. Irregardless, he is DOA for the ballot probably after New Years or maybe August after the DNC, but he's toast, even his own party wants him GONE, set out to pasture in an senior care center for invalids. If he talks nice to Trump, may there will be pardons for the crack head junkie tax felon and whomever else the Biden congressional colonoscopy investigation captures from the Biden crime family. One thing though, Joe did say the crack head was the "smartest man he knows..." I suppose Hunter could be one of the most successful crackheads well. compared to the Kushners, Trump's family business empire, etc. LOL. "Bidenomics":
  13. Biden's weak on everything, not just CN, all due in part to his incredible influence peddling and corruption plus the fact that he's about as smart as a fence post and has proven that the past 40 or 50 years in politics. Throw in pathological liar status, you got one super mega weak liar corrupt loser in the WH, but likely not for much longer. I think he mouthed off one time bragging abut earning 3 undergrad degrees. Trump embellishes and exaggerates this vegetable just flat out lies, keeps repeating the same lies and fake stories over and over but probably caused or exacerbated by his dementia or whatever is affecting his brains. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/vintage-biden-clip-resurfaces-law-school#:~:text=A 1987 clip of Joe Biden has resurfaced%2C showing him exaggerating his academic record%2C boasting that he graduated “in the top half of my class” - before he later admitted that he graduated 76th in a class of 85
  14. LOL...this is your "Trump gotcha" fantasy playing out live on the AN platform. Lame.
  15. and then ....guess what happens next, after Chutkan puts DC trial on "hold" pending appeals. This Fanny willis and her RICO case against the same POTUS that DC appeals are going to make their ruling...on guess...whats your best guess and guess when...? Sometime next year when MAL case and Judge Cannon get thru discovery, 12M docs or so and if this goes to trial later next year, wow ,,,the trials that manage to survive may occur in 2025 or later but likely not at all, do you know why there will be no trials? LOL. I doubt you'd answer honestly if you knew and had a clue with what exactly is going on.
  16. breath deep and try to envision how SCOUTS just told jack to go away.
  17. lol...fraud, wire fraud ....but what if the phone had no wire, as in a wireless phone? LOL....you not only got NOTHING ...you got nothing intelligent to say. The article in reference you provide makes no mention of your fantasy wire fraud by wireless device, lol or bribery. Why are you making things up. It's too early to be drunk.
  18. The Supremes ruling on Smith presidential immunity certiorari has just thrown chaos on DC trial and this will include GA fulton case as well due to it's federal aspects. If DC and fulton do in fact make it to trial it will be in 2025 likely but more prone to die a slow death and fall by the democratic failed attempt wayside to get Trump which might just nearing it's end as the dem losers are running out of ways to destroy democracy.
  19. More charges, as in what charges are you expecting? Phone charges maybe? Why don't you tell us what is illegal about calling people and asking, requesting, demanding this, that or the other thing. Do explain what laws have been violated by these "calls". Unless/until you do, you got NOTHING. No surprise.
  20. Go Joe boy...down some more. See what the polling does after his secret pseudonym emails are revealed by congressional investigators. Biden will likely drop out after Christmas break?
  21. Biden, the "unachiever" failure, How much lower will he go. At this point some would say gas station sushi is more popular than Biden. Maybe Biden should make a statement comparing Trump to Hitler and calling Trump supporters as semi-facists. Nothing else he does has improved his humiliating polling. If Biden was smart he would denounce in strongest terms the recent CO supreme court ruling on the 14th/Sec 3 and score some points in furtherance of democracy but we all know how stupid Biden has always been and what are the chances he's complicit in this overt attempt to keep Trump off the ballot. His brain, what remains of it, has turned to mush.
  22. Trump is surging in opinion polls, and many Democrats are now openly saying they fear President Biden is about to be beaten in 2024. Not only is Trump beating Biden in many polls but he has a sizable lead among young voters according to FOX news polling. FOX news Polls_DEC
  23. Nothing. "Trump's lawyers have pled guilty to felonies for trying to steal an election." Stealing elections inference is the bovine scatology portion. You prretent to omit thast reference or ignore it due to your deception. Are suffering to, inflicted by the same malady as your colleague dandrufman, as in daftness or liar status? Seems to me you are. So, if you want to redeem your childlike & embarrassing missteps here please provide some evidence and proof that "Trump's lawyers have pled guilty to felonies for trying to steal an election." Hurry up. I am waiting but don't have time for your silliness.
  24. It is you that continues to spin inaccuracies., but it's understandable at this point. You are either daft or a pathological liar who cannot accept nor deal with reality. Which is it? "Posts on social media falsely claim that the Trump family is “disallowed from operating ANY charity” in New York because they “stole from a kids cancer charity.” That inaccurately describes the outcome of a court case involving the Donald J. Trump Foundation, and conflates it with allegations about the Eric Trump Foundation." https://www.factcheck.org/2019/12/social-posts-distort-facts-on-trump-charities/#:~:text=Posts on social,Eric Trump Foundation
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