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Posts posted by Tewkes

  1. Given problems across a whole load of different routers and manufactures I would say it almost certainly a problem with the physical line you are on.

    You mentioned that you had rapidly changing noise margin and attenuation and across a wide range of values. If that is the case on all the routers you have tried then that would reinforce a line problem.

    It sounds like with that sort of variation on noise the DSLAM is constantly trying to negotiate a speed with your router eventually gives ups on getting a stable speed times outs and resets. The fact your upstream connection varies upon reconnect would also support this.

    Problem is therefore almost certainly either a fault with the DSLAM which should be obvious to TOT and easy to fix or a fault with the phone line which should again be obvious if they run some noise and attenuation test. Fixing the line would be a much bigger job for TOT though which might explain why they saying nothing is wrong.

    Unfortunately don't think there will be a quick fix to this given TOT normal speed of operations. All i would say would be keep complaining that the phone line is no good and highlight the variations in the attenuation and noise as I'd say this is where the problem is.

  2. I had exactly the same problem about a year ago with my connection. Had engineers out reporting no faults and had good numbers on the noise margin and attenuation.

    Went on for months until i tried swapping out my Netgear router (DG834Gv1) for the TOT supplied one at which point all was resolved.

    I assumed it was a hardware error although there was no obvious failure apart from the constant disconnects and so I bought a new model Netgear router (DG834Gv5) as I liked the integrated WiFi, firewall setup. Since then I've had no problems.

    Now it could be that the line magically fixed itself just when i replaced the router but seems unlikely to me.

    I notice from your logs that you had an update to the netgear time server. Would it be a fair assumption to assume you have a netgear router? If so might be possible you have the same problem I did.

    Whatever thought my experiences might help.

  3. Need some advice on what option are available for obtaining a fixed IP in Bangkok.

    Currently have a standard True connection and they have offered an upgrade to their BIZ Pack Lite at 25,000 THB for a 2m/512 connection. Is this really the price for obtaining a fixed IP?

    I did a quick search and saw some references to prices of about 5-10K. Could anyone provide any recommendations?

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