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Middle Aged Grouch

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  1. Even cheaper in Spain or the Canary Islands with top hot ladies on duty ! Great climate all year around, food hardly a bit more costly then Bangkok, but no more immigration scams, hassles, no more getting cheated in a inflated bill in a restaurant, no more crooked tailors who cheat with poor work and so on....
  2. Good news. At last the falangs and other girlie bar patrons are realising how those fine bar stool girls are cheating, ripping off clients and overcharging either for the drinks, the bar fines or the ST or LT 😜...At one point better off in any soapy, negociate the rate before hand (sic!) and release the big load at a honest rate.
  3. You can post anything as long as your identity remains private and undisclosed obviously. But if it's something that's say a bit hot, wait till you are not in Thailand to post it or better, post it under a VPN, different name and different IP altogether.
  4. Why are the falangs in Thailand so conscious of the image of their social status ? Just trying to be something they could never dream of, back home in the west probably...
  5. Check the restrictions of the maximum power outputs of the unit if you intend to carry in a plane.
  6. It definately will boost the sale of the booze merchants...but it will generate a higher ratio of drunks all over and that will have a heavy social cost. Be it in healthcare, in public safety managment requirements as booze turns people violent and plainly st***id...and other unaccounted issues. At the end of the day the returns will mean nothing, compared to the collateral costs generated. But again, who cares ? As long as the chums in the industry can make their profit and "share" with those in power, that's what matters maybe ?
  7. I would have added Brit, Aussie, German, Dutch also as many of these falangs here, never made it back home so they come over to Thailand with their mental and start trying to give back all the kicks they received back in their homelands.
  8. Depending where you are, there seems to be a new trend to hush away foreigners or even a thai lady with a falang husband. I saw the attitude in Hua HIn quite often happening to others. Maybe not in Bangkok or Pattaya ?
  9. Not surprising with all the chinese, korean and japanese tourists all over coughing and spitting for some. Wear a mask when moving around in public transport or in crowded areas. Other falangs can also be infected after all and for sure, getting to close to the bar girls/hookers is the best place to nest and spread viruses.
  10. Criticising others and being condescending is also a form of a kind of inferiority complex.
  11. If it's a Malay Pit Viper or a Spitting Viper or Cobra, (can spit it's venom upto 3meters and can bullseye your eye or nose)... it more a tricky issue to walk away unharmed. 😲
  12. Sorry, but a snake can be lethal. Especially a King Cobra,. Sorry really as all souls deserve to live. But it's about survival here and a killed snake is one less that can spring out and bite you or your wife or kids.
  13. I have more fun reading Bob then reading some others thinking that they bear the divine science and enlightment or who are rough, rude or agressive. Not speaking for you of course but I'm sure you get the point. p.s. "regards".
  14. OP is rather foolish to pay so much, as that is how prices increase due to the fools who accept cheating rates. No hooker should be paid more then 3000 or 4000 maximum in Thailand. With those kind of rates OP is refering, I'd rather cash out in Europe.
  15. Thailand is doing everything to attract these young drunk and junkies from all over the west. So now it's your problem Thailand. Handle their unruly behaviour and continue to harass with absurd laws and immigration hassles the 50-60-70+ year old foreigners who are the real quality tourists, who own property and they bring in more money then a bunch of teenage drunks only in Thailand to smoke drugs. But one just cannot change stupid.
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