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  1. Thanks for replies. Yes, it shouldn't affect other visa types in theory, but it seems like it still does in practice. Company rep's reply was along the similar lines – he doesn't think it should be an issue, but can't say for sure. That's why I was curious if anyone have personal experience of being approved or denied with the same history.
  2. Hi everyone, I'm currently considering an offer from a Thai BOI company. I'm thinking to accept, however, I'm now concerned about my visa history. I've held a non-o volunteer extension in 2020-21. I've gotten a new passport since then, but heard that it's still an issue when applying for e.g. Elite and LTR visas. Does anyone with the same history have a first-hand account of either receiving or being denied a BOI visa/WP after volunteer extension? If it matters I've stayed in TH until mid-2022 on Covid extensions after my volunteer expired and the BOI position is for early 2024. Thanks in advance.
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