Can anyone explain how tax deduction works (personal allowance).
Let assume I have income 500k thb per year. I have 1 child. So my taxable income is 500k - 60k personal allowance - 30k child allowance = 430k thb. Is that correct? If yes, do I need to show any receipe?
Personal allowances
There is a personal allowance of THB 60,000 each for the taxpayer and the taxpayer’s spouse (provided that the taxpayer's spouse does not file one's own return). There is also an allowance of THB 30,000 for each child and an additional THB 30,000 for the second child onwards born in or after 2018. Moreover, an allowance for parental care of THB 30,000 per parent is deductible. A non-resident is allowed deductions for spouse, children, and parent only if they are resident in Thailand.