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Everything posted by JoeyMac

  1. Would i just go to a hospital and request hormone tests? Or a Skin doctor ?
  2. In my 40's now and my face has such extreme oily skin that you could literally fry an egg on there. I've had oily skin all my life. Was told that it would go away after puberty, then it would go away after my teens, then would slowly reduce. But in actual effect it's never gone, and seemingly has gone worst. Nothing i do stops it (although it's limited as to what i've done). I went on a course of accutane for 4 months, because i also get acne on my back which can be painful spots. This reduced the oily skin, but it's not something you can stay on permenantly due to the side effects. I've tried one of these lasers here in Bangkok promising to shrink my sebacaous glands, and nothing. I just threw money down the drain with that one. I clearly have some extreme testosterone or something that is contributing to over production of sebum from my sebacacous glands. I literally no one who has this sort of issue. It's not a little oily, but extreme. I'm talking about if i blot my skin with some tissue after a few hours you will see a wet tissue. Help.
  3. Fully agree. This has effectively opened the door to free for all. Those cheering because they don't have to file some paperwork, or go to immigration to get an extension will be the first to start complaining when the whole landscape changes as (their target) they hit 80 millions visitors (which is nearly 3 times as much as now) in 2027. This is not good news. Long term visitors are going to drag your rents up for a start. The rest ... well just think about how destructive it's going to be in regards of your experience. It's not going to be pleasant.
  4. You could have done that now. For the amount they want, you could have done a few small flights out and back and it still would have been cheaper than the 10,000 they want.
  5. The state may well be a super power, but the true metric is GDP per person. And especially in India's case, their GDP per person is relatively low - even lower than Thailand. The GDP per person from India is nearly 1/3 LESS of what it is in Thailand. In that regards calling the population of India a superpower is stretching it. Furthermore experience from neighbouring countries of Indians overstaying in Malaysia on a mass level should be a warning.
  6. I notice some on here are getting excited simply because they have less paper work to do to stay longer. However, for those of us who have loved Thailand for many decades this is really appalling news. This news means the country is now an open door to everyone. As a result we will see visitors numbers (which are currently projected to hit around 40-50 million this year) to possibly 100 million (which is their target). Having some restrictions on entry is welcome to keep checks and balances, that also protect the local population from being over run, from illegal migrants that will take up work, pushing up rents for locals (and immigrants here legally), and generally mass human over tourism. How anyone can sit there in their condo, or island they're on and say we need to double the number of visitors here and it will make no difference to us. Look around you, look at the traffic, look at the pollution, looks at the massive numbers that are everywhere - then imagine that doubled. That price of the condo you sleep in will go up. I have news for you - it's going to spoil things on massive level. A simple perspective, even countries that reply heavily on tourism and overseas investment have visas in place for Indian and Chinese visitors. Very few countries in the world allow complete visa free access for these countries for this amount of time. It's basically an open door policy. I fully support Thailand needing to do something to reinvigorate their economy, but a mass open door policy is wrong - not just on a conservation level, but locals will suffer too. Go see Europeans now fighting back against leaders with masses of tourism that are blighting their towns. But hey, let's celebrate because you save a bit of paperwork.
  7. Having been around many tourist zones in Europe (where local populations are furious), Thailand is now basically removing most curbs and checks they had in place for a mass open door policy. Those wanting a longer term visa may well be happy short term, but i believe this next time year you'll be complaining that there is simply way too many people here. If you spend anytime in Phuket now, it is barely able to cope now. So what happens when you thrown another 20-30 million a year into the mix ? I've spent some time in Malaysia too, and Indians arriving there had a high rate of not going back. As an earlier poster said India and China are the real winners here. Those who want to stay here longer term rejoicing at the news will not be so happy when you see changes that will occur.
  8. It's not just that is a concern. It's the mass of visa free, and visa on arrivals they have now allowing from newer countries. Further extensions and lengths for India too. If you've spent anytime in Bangkok and Phuket lately you will see locals complaining, and how the infrustructure cannot cope. But never mind.
  9. Where will you go to get away from the mass of tourists ?
  10. Whilst the visa length may be welcome by some, you have to think about whether Thailand will still look the same after the huge volume of people that are now going to be let in. This is not the good news people think.
  11. Unfortunately .... what's happened HAS happened. I am thankful for the advice on here.
  12. So far i've noted to check this. And furthermore, to note that his own insurance will cover him for a certain amount. And to bring someone of stature with me. I've also decided to call the tourist police.
  13. Blimey. Then what ? I assume then you wait for a court case ? How long will that take ?
  14. If i refuse to pay what the police say ... what would likely happen ?
  15. Yes but i plan to return to Thailand in the future. I don't want nothing on my record here.
  16. That's quite a minefield. So maybe it's best i take some legal advice here and take a solicitor with me?
  17. Not yet. I am going to be called to go to see the police in a few weeks. Which is odd as i am going back home end of the month. But i will just extend if it happens. What type of compensation are we talking about? Anyone know? This is quite a perilous situation to be in isn't ... you have an accident and things can go very wrong.
  18. If the cost is enormous, and i refuse to pay then what happens ? I have already signed a brief statement to say i dropped my bags on the floor, and the other rider fell.
  19. So if i am to fight this, then what happens ? I am not looking for a protracted court case here for something to go wrong.
  20. The tourist police lady was pretty decent. She said if i didn't drop my shopping bag on the ground he wouldn't have had the accident. It's irrelevant apparently if he was over taking on the underside, or that the motorbike taxi stopped and dropped me of in the middle of the road. Everything was well, till a few others came running and got involved and got him to sit down, got an ambulance (which turned up in record time).
  21. I called the tourist police. There conclusion was because i dropped a bag, the accident will be my fault. What type of compensation are we talking about here ? Is it worth looking into my travel insurance policy to see if i am covered here for anything ? I just have generic travel insurance.
  22. Define ... a packet ? It was purely an accident. Are you saying i'm in trouble with the law for dropping a bag on the floor whilst getting of a motorbike taxi ?
  23. Looks like i am going to be blamed here. Spoke with tourist police who said because i dropped a bag as i was dismounting my bike, Thai law says it will be my fault. The Motorbike taxi did not drop me of a pavement, instead kind of parked with room on my left hand side (enough room for a motorbike to squeeze into). As he stopped i got off towards the pavement side (which was my left), and dropped the bag. The bike that had the accident tried to drive fast inbetween this space, on my left hand side, and went over my bag. But i am going to be blamed. That is a given. Driver seemed perfectly well, until others came rushing around told him to get to the ground and made him get into an ambulance. i took photos. Driver was not wearing a helmet. What kind of compensation are we looking at in what regards ? I don't know many people here in Phuket to help me.
  24. Phuket, near Patong beach - coming of a motorbike taxi with shopping. As i come off, my bag falls, and a motorcyclist, goes over the bag and falls. Nothing more to it, it was a pure accident, but i believe judging by everyones reaction it was my fault. The driver of bike did get up and seemed fine, but then an ambulance turned up. I am scheduled to go to the police station in a few days. What's likely to happen here ? Should i seek legal advice ?
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