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  1. He sure seemed surprised when we arrived, which led me to conclude that the Bolt drivers can't see the method of payment ahead of time. Grab puts that placeholder payment when the driver accepts, so I can imagine they actually work slightly differently. I've never had a Grab driver display any surprise when we arrived, neither here nor in the Philippines. And I used Grab quite a bit in PH.
  2. I used Bolt for the first time today, and got a bike for a relatively short ride to the mall. I had registered my card because I hate generating more change than I strictly need. So I book the bike using my card (the default payment method) and when we arrived the driver got super angry that I had payed with a card. I was very confused, because I assumed they can see that ahead of time. I guess not. I was in the middle of handing him a cash tip when he started in on me, telling me I should have told him ahead of time it was going to be on the card. Needless to say, I put the tip back in my pocket and he sped off quite angry. Is it normal that the Bolt guys don't want you to use a card? Or maybe just bike drivers? I used Grab a lot when I lived in the Philippines, and I've used them here and nothing has been said about me using a card (in PH or here). Of course, I haven't used a Grab bike yet....

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