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  1. Hi everyone, We recently made a video showing our first impressions of Bangkok. We'd love for you to have a watch and let us know what you think ????
  2. Thanks so much for the feedback, I'm glad that you saw an improvement. Our next Thailand video is out on our channel now if you wanted to take a look. Thank you again ????
  3. Thank you so much for your constructive feedback. The jump cuts are something that we are working on. The reason we do them a lot is to keep the video not too long and to make it pacy so that people don't get bored but I also know that some people don't like them and it's something I need to work in order to get the balance right. We'd love for you to subscribe to our channel and let us know if you see an improvement in any future videos. We are always grateful to anyone who takes the time to give us feedback ????
  4. If you are looking to see what it's like to get the sleeper train from Chiang Mai to Bangkok or vice versa, feel free to check out our latest video where we tell you everything you need to know: ???????? $55 1st Class SLEEPER TRAIN - Chiang Mai to Bangkok! EVERYTHING You NEED to know! - YouTube
  5. Our next video of Chiang Mai is now out featuring some amazing people we met along the way, we'd love if you could give it a watch and happy to hear any of your feedback. We are very open to advice, we have already gone out and bought a new camera and mics after the last video's feedback! (Unfortunately, this video doesn't benefit as it was filmed some time ago but one day!)
  6. Loving the brutalness of the feedback ???? They're certainly keeping us entertained but definitely some 'food for thought' as well. I'll take 'moderately fetching' any day, that's the best compliment I've had since we started YouTube! Thanks everyone! ????
  7. We recently made a video showing our first impressions of Thailand after spending 24 hours in Chiang Mai ???? - we’d love for you to check it out!

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