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Teacher Robert

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  1. Had this done twice in the cervical spine under fluoroscopy. Doc said that if it didn't take i could either get surgery or "move somewhere warm and get a massage every day." She had no way of knowing I was moving to Thailand but that was 8 years ago! Massage, the genuine kind, and occasional acupuncture have forestalled the surgeon's scalpel all this time, knock on wood. But I will never forget that the relief I felt from the constant pain was immediate. It slowly returned after the first injection but after the second dose it never came back and I was able to pitch the neurontin I was taking. It is an excellent non-narcotic pain killer but, for me, it had the side effect of slowing down my thought processes and I was still working. Funny thing happened when I stopped taking eat I stopped being able to amaze my Thai girlfriend by eating food spicief than hers! Good luck and remember to obey the nurse's guidance regarding your positioning in the time post procedurally to avoid a cerebrospinal fluid leak from the epidural site and the corresponding headache that'll cause if it happens. And tell them to properly sedate you with some Ativan beforehand. Savages did my retinal surgery and thought paracetamol alone was sufficient.
  2. When in Rome.... Of course, he could just go back to the states, pay a bit less for a wedding ceremony with an American girl cuz it's her "special day". Then a few years down the road she takes the house, car, and kids and he can live happily ever after living in a rented room sharing a house with 4 or 5 dudes in the same boat all working 3 or 4 jobs to pay the court ordered support. In the words of the immortal Johny Johny Carson, "Next time I think about getting married, I'm just gonna find a woman I hate and buy her a house."
  3. First off, I told my daughter, who is Thai American, age 8, that she is NOT half anything, she is DOUBLE! The luk krueng label is thoughtless at best and possibly demeaning. The pensive look on my daughter's face when she heard this made me realize just what a big conceptual realignment that framing the situation this way made for her self-image. Secondly, we are in the process of getting ready to go back to California and we will definitely be bringing books on Thai language to continue teaching her in her mother tongue. My wife and I have backgrounds in linguistics and language education and there is zero reason to pause Thai in favor of English. Sorry to gainsay my Canadian compatriot (I'm half Canadian and hold dual citizenship myself. NB the nomenclature "dual") but kids are innate linguists and if exposed to a language any time before puberty they can become fluent without an accent so there's no need to "pause" your child's education while abroad, for any other parents looking for advice here. My wife and I are already packing Thai instructional materials specifically so our kiddo won't fall behind while we are in the states. Would you advise an ambidextrous athlete to only exercise with one arm or another in the hopes of conferring some hypothetical future advantage in a game they might play? Like anywhere, Thailand has opportunities and pitfalls and being Thai culturally and linguistically is the best way to avoid the pitfalls and capitalize on the advantages. Tell your kids they're double, not half, and watch them wrap their heads around that.
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