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moo moo

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Everything posted by moo moo

  1. we don't have enough informations because sinsod depends on: 1 - age of husband 2 - age of wife 3 - educational level of wife 4 - wife job situation 5 - was she married before? 6 - does she have kids? 7 - family/wife reputation 8 - parents social status etc... if she is an uneducated tattooed pattaya witch with 2 kids in issan from an abusive thai husband and alcoholic family then maybe 1000baht is enough for the time they will probably stay together 555 but if the guy is 60yo sexpat and she is 23yo stunning beauty who is western educated bangkok girl and who has an mba degree from wharton university, never married, no children with a good reputation and her parents are dean at mahidol/chula university then 1m baht looks more than ok although in the second case it is unlikely to happen ????????????
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