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  1. Correct because there is no such thing as 'exrays ' But I've been reliably informed there is such things as 'Xrays'
  2. You must be one of these wastrels then as you know so much about them
  3. As long as I've got a hole in my àrse corruption will forever be rampant in the 'Land of scams'....🙏🏽
  4. Well there definitely not here to see James bond Island I
  5. Yippee I can't <deleted> wait !
  6. "As said" I said why the f#ck travel so far that the plane is in touching distance on changi??? Instead fly all the way back just to not pay the fees at Singapore and mechanics and put all the passengers at risk for !! You Toby 🤡
  7. As said they didn't want to pay high parking fees at changi so opted to turn round & fly back to bangers and put passengers MORE at risk than landing in singers, I guess it's a "Thai thing"..
  8. Ah but while poking the fire it's good to look at a beautiful mantle piece..
  9. She got a face like a worn out bike saddle
  10. Ever heard the expression here "Thai's Ruk Thai's " Not "farang"
  11. She "Fled on foot after a brief chase" I bet it was as the BIB only had to walk to catch fatzilla
  12. Amazing what some people will do to not want to leave the "land of scams"
  13. Won't be going in there for a "Happy Ending"
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