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  1. I totally agree, because once you have investments, it is not all that easy to pack up and go, considering a loss in exchange rates selling, plus starting all over again, especially at retirement age and up.
  2. Yeah, real utter and absolute nonsense!
  3. Well, it's got nothing to do with looking down on Thais at all, there are facts which will remain even if you choose to ignore them. Open your eyes and have a good look around!
  4. A display of uncivilized low life behavior, and they are probably proud of themselves!
  5. Trash pretty much everywhere around, besides the disgusting smell in most of the little streets , which doesn't seem to bother the locals at all.
  6. Amazing how people have the time hunting down foreigners taking pictures and movies breaking the law or whatever, but I guess its called news, or is it simply to make foreigners feel welcome?
  7. right, in a country with law abiding citizens!
  8. You are correct, and we should consider ourselves lucky to be in a Country with law abiding citizens, right.
  9. Did I say that this particular driver beat the crap out of anyone? Please pay attention to what you are reading before questioning . thank you!
  10. Not only Phuket, pretty much all over, just kept quiet unless foreigners involved
  11. Missing the point, because it is a fact that you can hardly find any decent public toilets in and around any city in Thailand, and Thais themselves are setting the example by peeing wherever they please, but that seems to be well accepted. Picking and focusing on foreigners, ignoring the actual facts and issues, instead of looking at themselves, but self criticism seems none existent, since criticism is alien and not tolerated.
  12. The usual crap, lets blame the bad foreigners, elevating themselves, trying hard not to address the root of the problem, but admitting to their own failure is totally out of question. Maybe next century, but only maybe.
  13. Vow, you are totally missing the point comparing Singapore with Thailand, not seeing the real issue. Please get a reality check up!
  14. being professional liars, you will hardly ever hear the trues, especially foreigners involved..
  15. They don't seem to care much about our safety, it is only the money they care about. It is usually the locals parking bumper to bumper, like the driving behaving selfish, irresponsible and totally rude and uncivilized.
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