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Posts posted by HairyPotter

  1. In Thailand or Asia in general, being fat is not something bad. It means you live a "prosperous" life.

    In the old days, food in China and Thailand was scarce. Having enough to eat is a virtue. If you look at Chinese Saints (even the female ones), they tend to be on the round side. The saint of prosperity is the bald smiling guy sitting with a belly portruded out of his robe. I'm sure many of you have seen him before. People rub his statue at the belly area simply for good luck. (That's also why some Thais would come up to you to rub your belly.)

    The west is just too obsessed with being thin. "Gluttony" is defined as a sin by christianity. Jesus himself looks extremly on the cross. With images of rail thin models on magazine covers, its no wonder many women in the western hemisphere become insecure.

    So I would say.. don't worry too much when they say you are fat.

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