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  1. Yes, if you spend 180 days a year in Thailand you are a tax resident. If you're spending 6 months total here, just spend a week or two less to ensure you don't cross that 180 day threshold.
  2. Ah, thank you. Somehow I missed that, caught up in the panic with everyone else I guess!
  3. So does this mean if our income is tax-exempt according to law in our home countries, it will remain tax exempt here? Or does this mean mean it will be taxed.
  4. I am in somewhat of a different position because of my VA disability - that is non taxable income, so I can't prove I've paid taxes on it. I read the US - Thailand DTA, it was clear on Social Security. But I couldn't quite make out if my non-taxable VA disability payments would be taxable pension income in Thailand.
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