About her insurance:
In Sweden most people have home insurance. That insurance almost always gives you medical coverage abroad for 30 days after you leave Sweden. It doesn´t cover everything. For example, if you want coverage for diving or mountaineering accidents you have to pay extra. But it covers traffic accidents, including expensive things like flying you back home or intensive care. If you want coverage for more than 30 days you have to buy extra travel insurance. As a general rule, Swedish tourists going to Thailand for the normal 2-3 weeks have medical coverage. Those who don´t are outliers. I have never seen (I am Swedish) any cases of people that have insurance that are being denied help from the insurance companies because they did not wear a helmet, did not have a license for a motorbike in Thailand or because traces of alcohol could be found in their blood. It is always cases like this. And they are not common.
According to an article I read this girl sold her apartment (or moved out from a rental) before she went to Thailand. No home, no home insurance. In that situation she would have needed to buy medical insurance. Which she appearantly did not do.