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Posts posted by Ricardo99

  1. 7 hours ago, pomchop said:

    I have been told several times that cops are paid very poorly but the system allows them to accept bribes etc to compensate them for the low pay so the top brass look the other way as they are also in on the food chain.....without this system nobody would want a job as a cop.....true or not i do not know but it sure seems that way.

    That excuse is used by every s***bag country in Africa and the developing world. If people want the responsibility that comes with the authority of the role of a Police Officer, then they should be set to a higher standard of behaviour not a lower one. If they don't like the living they make on a Police salary...then don't become a cop or quit pretending you are 


    Crooks with uniforms otherwise!

  2. On 4/27/2024 at 4:54 PM, paul1804 said:

    Parking, traffic rules and most actions associated with driving in Thailand is a shambles, motor bikes park in car designated parking zones, all vehicles park in designated no parking zones, many vehicles park partially on the driving lane and sometimes as much as a meter blocking the lane for traffic to pass. They even sometimes park fully blocking the lane so they can go into a shop to make a purchase! They drive in the wrong direction in 1 way roads sign posted & flashing no entry lights displayed with arrows painted on the road! The entire scenario is a total shambles and all of a sudden in tourist high season the RTP decide to erect No parking signs, chain up bikes and fine people, why would they do this as parking in many tourist areas is often difficult to find. Property owners have also got on the racket and put road cones and barriers in front of their properties which is again just typical stupid Thailand, they dont own the road, its public property and the police do nothing about controlling this. What a joke!

    Why do they do it?....guess the brown envelopes have been light the last few months 

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  3. On 4/18/2024 at 6:13 PM, wensiensheng said:

    Technically 6 vs 2. Phi and Shi. 

    I think that initially the driver of the car stayed in it while his mate went to ask them to pull over to let them pass. Then they attacked the lone guy. So at that point its 6 to 1.


    Normal Thai bravery levels.


    Knife probably came out when they realised it was going to be 6 vs 2.


  4. On 4/20/2024 at 12:29 PM, Freddy42OZ said:

    She certainly doesn't sound like a criminal mastermind from this blarp, and no mastermind would trust a Thia gang or even be in the country if they were planning the aledged crime.


    Also the Family of the aledged victim were the ones who made the complaint and the accused has a beef eith them over an aldged swindle..... 


    Sounds highly suspect to me and the RTP seem very quick of the gun will only a self confested criminals word for it.... almost like their was something in it fir them?

  5. 7 hours ago, Celsius said:

    death penalty 

    Thailand doesn't have a death penalty even for multiple murders like that woman poisoner.

    Even if it did have a capital offence, to apply it for such an infraction considering the s*** the locals get away will would have the country become an international paraih and they could kiss goodbye to 50% tourism.


    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, Emeraldisle said:

    Perhaps they were reacting to Thai police extorting Farangs. ??????

    And threatening them with a gun. The fact they disarming, and cleared the weapn before discarding it suggests some training. That's not a bunch of NZ street thugs that suggests ex or current military...what the NZ coverage for unbiase info on this incident.

    Two Kiwis accused of attacking Thai officer, snatching his gun https://www.stuff.co.nz/world-news/350216019/two-new-zealand-men-arrested-attacking-traffic-officer-thailand


    • Thanks 1
  7. On 2/24/2024 at 12:19 AM, Phil1964 said:

    Pot kettle black.

    What Thais don't think they're racist? Well I never would have guessed.

    They're more racist than the Klan towards those of Afro/Caribbean origin.


    Your spot on there. My (Afro) American buddy was there 6 months and he said he would never go back. Not only did parents snatched up their children whenever he was exploring an none tourist area in 'fear', he could speak passable Korea after 6 weeks but quit trying because (in his own words) 'they reacted like they were dealing a talking dog!'.


    I've also had observed how some South Koreans on weekend 'fun breaks' in Angelas City treat the bar girls, they slapped them around.

    I'm happy to say the locals sorted them out in the nexr alleyway once they had settled their bar bills.



  8. On 2/23/2024 at 1:10 PM, spidermike007 said:

    If this is the case, it is best to simply boycott South Korea entirely. It is not like they offer entirely unique sights. You don't want us? OK. No problem. See ya. 

    Yes, are ferangs constantly being told if they don't like being treated as second class subhumans in Thailand, then don't come to the Land of Smiles?


    Don't go crying when the shoe is on the other foot!

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  9. On 3/6/2024 at 6:06 PM, webfact said:


    A disgruntled British man declared he has quit England for Thailand pledging never to return to his homeland.


    Riyan Ruparelia left Blighty for the Land of Smiles in January vowing he’d had enough of truth-twisting ruling Conservative Party, Sir Keir Starmer’s Tory-lite opposition Labour Party, and the economic destruction of the United Kingdom and its soaring crime rate.


    The 22 year old London-born receptionist booked a one-way ticket to Bangkok, Thailand, at the beginning of the year, revealing plans to tour Thailand for a few months before finding somewhere to settle down.

    Before departing for Thailand, Riyan worked 30 hours a week as a receptionist at Powerleague, earning £11 per hour (500 baht).

    While still living with his parents in Brent, London, Riyan realised he couldn’t afford to rent a place of his own in the UK, prompting him to explore other options. Having visited Thailand thrice before, Riyan developed a deep affection for the country and bought a one-way ticket from Heathrow for £500 (22,750 baht).


    Having spent two months in Thailand, Riyan is determined never to return to the UK and aspires to bring his family to Thailand once he has settled down. He also expressed feeling safer walking alone at night in Thailand compared to the UK, where he felt too apprehensive to do so.


    Picture courtesy of Riyan Ruparelia’s Facebook account

    “I don’t plan to live in the UK ever again. I will come back and see my family but I don’t feel like the UK is the sort of place I can see myself living now. As a country, it is not heading in the right direction.”


    During his time in the UK, Riyan held a receptionist position, earning just above the minimum wage. Working full-time at £11 per hour, he acknowledges that he would have struggled to afford to move out of his parents’ home and rent his own property.


    “On my wage, I was just not able to move out of my family home. I know for a fact I would not have been able to afford rent.


    “With rent prices through the roof and unaffordable housing, how are people affording to live in the UK? Here in Thailand, the cost-of-living is a tenth of the price compared to the UK.”


    Another factor contributing to Riyan’s departure from the UK was the increase in crime, as he expressed feeling constantly unsafe

    “If you know London, there is so much knife crime and robbery. You don’t feel safe walking the streets and it is not getting any better. Here in Thailand, people will leave their keys and bags on their bikes. You don’t have to look behind you when you’re walking home at night and women will walk at night alone.”


    Riyan mentioned that his parents were “supportive” of his decision to move, expressing his aspiration to bring them to Thailand and assist them in retiring.


    “They were incredibly supportive of my decision, encouraging me to seize the opportunity. I would love to have my family here with me. My ultimate goal is to provide for my parents and help them retire. Achieving retirement in the UK is incredibly challenging.”


    Having been in Thailand for two months, Riyan plans to explore the country before determining where to settle down.


    “Thailand is vast, offering megacities, mountains, and stunning beaches. Currently, I’m travelling around to decide on my preferred location for settling down. I have a large group tour planned for April, so I’ll make my decision after that.”


    Picture courtesy of Riyan Ruparelia’s Facebook account


    by Bob Scott

    TOP Picture courtesy of Riyan Ruparelia’s Facebook account


    Source: The Thaiger 2024-03-06


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    Wow...how is this news. Obviously this guy has been in Thailand for less than 10 mins and never been anywhere else!


    Plus its not like his name is Tom Smith so good on him.

  10. 1 hour ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    There are a LOT of industries in Thailand that are currently having troubles with illegal workers from 3rd world countries who arrived on this idiotic Visa free entry scheme - which was all in the name of tourism growing the economy.  They are taking jobs and income away from Thais - and most of them are sending their money back home and then coming back later in the year to do it all again and again and again. 

    Also a lott of Filipino trans are attracted to Thailand due to a combination of cheap plastic surgery and freely available hormones. Punters are just a plus.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. On 2/27/2024 at 3:00 PM, Cabradelmar said:

    Not at all surprised. In addition to Thai men being emotionally reactive, they also lack self control. 

    With the emotion intelligence of a 5 year old thats all they can manage. Lucky he didn't stab her when rejected or maybe he was just intimidated by the 'Good Samaritan' who turned up? (Didn't say if it was a Farang or a Thai?).

    • Agree 1
  12. On 2/28/2024 at 4:49 PM, couchpotato said:

    South Korean hiso bs for sensationalism. For starters 1200 for a 4 hour tour is quite acceptable, and secondly if he felt it was excessive then negotiate or try another guy (or get on his Grab app). 

    Drive apparently lied to him say Grab was illegal in Thailand. I've had similar cab drivers says same thing to me at Both BKK airports... while waiting for my Grab!

  13. 5 hours ago, Darksidedude said:

    spot on is what it is 

    If their only trying to make money, then why do they let the cops shake down tourists who rent bikes with the old 'this licence no good' scam. My UK licence with full motorcycle use was confiscatedc 4 times till I stopped renting any bikes (even scooters) as the BIB pissed me off once to offen with their income generation schemes.

    • Haha 1
  14. 7 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Following the incident, the teacher visited A’s home to apologise. Though Sompan did not press charges, he appealed to the teacher not to repeat such actions, stressing that young children do not fully understand right from wrong.


    Sompan should press charges, this teacher assaulted a child.

    They must be taught that there are other methods of discipline and ways to sort out un-ruley children.

    Beating them is  not one of them.

    I doubt the school will follow this one up and punish the teacher either.


    Many Thai teachers apprear to my sadistic child abusers, completely unsuited for the profession, who get their 'jollies' from getting away with this kind of behaviour.


    And the Thai state is an enabler of this depravity!

    • Confused 1
  15. 8 hours ago, webfact said:


    PHOTO: สยามชล นิวส์

    Pattaya — Foreign tourists, reported to be of Indian nationality, engaged in a violent brawl with Thai people right on Pattaya Beach Road early today, sending shockwaves through the city just one day before its New Year’s celebration.

    For those interested, the video of the incident. Keep in mind, although nobody was seriously injured and the video is not graphic, extremely sensitive viewers should use caution. https://fb.watch/pd1DYdAKjL/?mibextid=Nif5oz


    On December 28th, 2023, at dawn, local residents and joggers running along Pattaya Beach captured the shocking incident on video, which quickly went viral on Thai social media. The roughly one-minute clip depicted Thai and Indian people, both men and women, exchanging blows in the middle of busy Pattaya Beach Road near Soi 13 in the Nongprue sub-district.



    PHOTO: สยามชล นิวส์


    The video showed individuals wielding dangerous objects like sticks over a meter long, belts, glass bottles, and even metal kitchen ladles. The aggressive behavior brought traffic on part of Beach Road to a standstill as onlookers feared getting caught in the crossfire. Despite the distressed cries of women in the vicinity, no one dared in

    Seem pretty obvious what happened.


    Two groups, one drunk Thais other (less) drunk Indians out all night (one working, one partying) passed each other.


    Thai group insulted India women , probably in Thai thinking a farang wouldn't understand and they could laugh behind their backs at them. However Indians frequently have a far better grasp of foreign languages due to their multiple dialects at home.


    Indian woman demand apology, Thais never admit their in wrong, so Thai woman attacks Indian woman (for loss of face) and men join in as its All Thais vs one Farange to them). Indian males are now pissed off and unlike western Farangs are used to street fights so they don't back off and try to avoid confrontation, they want to defend their female friend.


    Results.. Thais get a good kicking. Shape of things to come....

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  16. 9 minutes ago, Jackbenimble said:

    It's a Red Light area, what did this trouble-making chinese tourist expect was going to be going on? Maybe she hasn't heard the expression about people in glass houses? 

    And, for the record, the red light areas here in Thailand are some of the safest of their kind in the world. Safer than the ones in this clowns own country. 

    I hope the police do catch up with her and cancel her visa - she seems to be working so inspect that work permit too while you're at it. 

    This TikTok generation are just attention grabbing saddos desperate for some traction on the rubbish they post. And their followers are not much different. 

    Kick her out. 

    All that crap about 'you might not be able to escape' obviously the farang mistook her for a local and 'if' there was a issue, then the locals would have all laid into him as you would do to any frang!

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