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Everything posted by Ricardo99

  1. Also a lott of Filipino trans are attracted to Thailand due to a combination of cheap plastic surgery and freely available hormones. Punters are just a plus.
  2. Such as all those Indians try to sell sunglasses and fake watches in BKK
  3. With the emotion intelligence of a 5 year old thats all they can manage. Lucky he didn't stab her when rejected or maybe he was just intimidated by the 'Good Samaritan' who turned up? (Didn't say if it was a Farang or a Thai?).
  4. Drive apparently lied to him say Grab was illegal in Thailand. I've had similar cab drivers says same thing to me at Both BKK airports... while waiting for my Grab!
  5. Key point here is the passenger is 'returning to Thailand' if they were stating in Australia or flying on elsewhere then Thai Airways could go whistle dixy! No Australia or western courts would except the suit. But Thailand's Draconian liable/slander laws allow this kind of free speech suppression. Customer knows they are in trouble once they get home! Thailand....land of litigation!
  6. Land of Smiles my ass.....Land of Knives more like.
  7. Thailand.... land of no sense of humour, irony or ability to see joke if it's right in front of them.
  8. If their only trying to make money, then why do they let the cops shake down tourists who rent bikes with the old 'this licence no good' scam. My UK licence with full motorcycle use was confiscatedc 4 times till I stopped renting any bikes (even scooters) as the BIB pissed me off once to offen with their income generation schemes.
  9. Nowhere in the article does it say either the victim or the perpetrator were identified as a British national. So I'm calling bulls**t on this story.
  10. Read between lines...Drunk Russian comes back to his condo, realised he has lost his access card/keys. New security guard doesn't recognise him and refuses entry/assistance. Drunk Russian tries to climb up to their balcony and falls to death. Security guard then makes up s**t to cover their own ass. Same same but different.
  11. Many Thai teachers apprear to my sadistic child abusers, completely unsuited for the profession, who get their 'jollies' from getting away with this kind of behaviour. And the Thai state is an enabler of this depravity!
  12. 300k bht... that's a US$10k neckless, Gold? at that price it would have to either be platanium or so heavy you'd need to have a kneck like a bull to wear it! Calling Bulls**t on this one.
  13. Seem pretty obvious what happened. Two groups, one drunk Thais other (less) drunk Indians out all night (one working, one partying) passed each other. Thai group insulted India women , probably in Thai thinking a farang wouldn't understand and they could laugh behind their backs at them. However Indians frequently have a far better grasp of foreign languages due to their multiple dialects at home. Indian woman demand apology, Thais never admit their in wrong, so Thai woman attacks Indian woman (for loss of face) and men join in as its All Thais vs one Farange to them). Indian males are now pissed off and unlike western Farangs are used to street fights so they don't back off and try to avoid confrontation, they want to defend their female friend. Results.. Thais get a good kicking. Shape of things to come....
  14. All that crap about 'you might not be able to escape' obviously the farang mistook her for a local and 'if' there was a issue, then the locals would have all laid into him as you would do to any frang!
  15. I totally agree, 99% of people who hang out are no good. I mean i hang out there all the time 🤣
  16. I agree, used to be in the UK sentance for Rape was 25y before considered for parole! Not anymore, mores the pitty. 2y8m is a farce!
  17. Don't forget if he has defended himself every Thailand in the surrounding area would have joined in...they f**"""' hate us...and that's one of the reasons tourists don't go back.
  18. Yes there's a term for this in civilized countries..'savages'!
  19. What...!! No new iPhones!
  20. Problem isn't Influential Figures, it's corrupt officials and cops taking their money to look the other way.... don't see that on the agenda?
  21. Interesting isn't it... Chinese tourist gets shot, BiB and Govt are all over it. Western tourist gets murdered, violently assaulted, sexual assault...it's threaten/intimidated the victim into not pressing charges, not reporting offence or demanding justice so BiB cand just pretend it never happened! Guess we're not real people I'm their eyes?
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