Some facts from the swedish post that is discussing all the uncertain and unknown facts.
- According to the family, the police have a surveillance video of the accident that occurred.
- The boyfriend's mother called the family and informed them of a serious accident.
- The family has had to keep a low profile because of the Thai legal system.
- Someone has run over Felicia's head and that person has been released without a report being drawn up.
- Daniel: "We have evidence that is very strong connected to the accident, but we cannot present this publicly now that we are in a police report"
- No signs of life from this boyfriend whose girlfriend is in a coma.
Someone else wrote:
What we know (sources: public records, judgments, evidence from their social media, home web):
- Fel*cia have committed both civil registration and tax crimes. Emigrated but written in Sweden.
- Felicia is convicted of drug offences
- Felicia has been sued by Collector Bank, and lost that case. She owes them SEK 40,000. This happened in June this year.
- Felicia has a total of over SEK 300,000 in debts that the Bailiff is trying to access
- She is together with a known and convicted fraudster from Norway called Carl Aksel Jansen
- The family has several cars/vehicles, villa for over 6 million, several racing horses. But can't afford to pay insurance of her debts
- They are trying to collect the full amount for hospital stay/flight
- They have received hundreds of thousands of kroner from their private Swish
- She has performed cosmetic procedures before and works with porn (OnlyFans)
- Thai media has not reported anything about this alleged accident
- The only information we have about the "accident" comes directly from the Cedergren family
- Email conversations with both police and hospitals in Thailand confirm that no one has heard of any such accident
- It hasn't rained those days in Koh Samui, which would be one of the reasons for the "accident"
- She's been seen driving/riding a motorcycle without helmet on her instagram
- She's very likely living in the country without proper insurance and probably tax evasion (with money from her OF account) not paying taxes in neither sweden nor thailand
- The family with the Gofundme campaign sells her as a horse-loving backpacker, whose insurance just ran out, when in reality she dodging bailif/has tons of depts, doing onlyfans together with a known norweigan conman, without proper insurances (and probably no work visa), riding motorcycles without a helmet claiming she fell in the rain when it havent rained on the days the acclaimed accident happened.
- claims are hospital cost 50k SEK per day and flight 750k SEK, but no receipts been shown, also no images of Fel*cia or the alleged video of the accident been shown,
- Some suspect something else really happened, or a beauty surgery went wrong, and why the family say they cant post much evidence might be because she obviously doesnt have a motorcycle license, perhaps not even a visum for her current stay, perhaps something else illegal and thats the reason why they cant show too much public.
All in all a lot smells fishy, esp with the norweigan conman as her boyfriend (been confirmed with matching tattoos in her and his instagram and onlyfans), her depts and avoiding them, her overstaying(probably) her visum, tax evading, uncle crying to press how sweden isnt helping her out when she has no insurance and are evading debts/taxes, and them flying regular flights home + more
Hopefully the family shares all receipts/invoices and proves where all the money goes, and what actually happened.
Read this thread from page 26 or so and onwards, use inbuilt translation