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  1. Not only Americans being held hostage by the barbarians that is Hamas, other nationalities too, including Thais. Wear the yellow ribbon for each and every one of those innocents.
  2. A few concerns to be considered: Both the breast augmentation and the BBL operations are operations, needing anaesthesia. Despite being a layman in such matters I can’t imagine they can both be done at the same time. So after the first procedure is done and she’s home recuperating, there’ll be post-op care required, who will perform that? Changing dressings etc can’t be appealing if not medically inclined. Then, off back to hospital to perform the next procedure. After being sent home to recuperate, again who will attend to all the post-op care? Guessing a butt lift requires a load more dressings to be changed and wounds checked - bathing, laying on the front a lot, can’t do too much until the all clear from the Drs. Cost for the procedures possibly do not include post-op care, dressings, trips back to the hospital for checkups etc etc. Time off work needs to be factored in for either of you. And speaking of cost, if you are expected to pay for the whole shemozzle, perhaps the floodgates of requests will open and you’ll be asked to fund all manner of things. Other posters have mentioned the lips, the eyelashes, these are some of the things that are fashionable now. In 5 years time there’ll be new things for people to covet and feel these new things are what they are lacking. No one knows when this BBL fashion will end and when it does, she will want to have her butt deflated. At more cost. If she is funding it all herself, no problem - her life, her body, her decision. The biggest concern is surrounding her self esteem. If she is driven to these current ideals of beauty is because she doesn’t accept herself, there’s a reason for that. Does she feel loved and cherished for who she is and how she looks now? There’s a possibility she isn’t receiving the reassurance she clearly needs. People always compare themselves to others and often find themselves wanting in some way. Perhaps she needs reminding and reassured as to why you love her and that you are together. How will she view herself in years to come when the inevitable happens and she gets into middle age and older? Reassurance is key. The beauty industry is massive and merrily creates ways to make people feel inadequate within their appearance but luckily offering cures. If it’s not a self esteem issue driving this, please reconsider funding any of it.
  3. Because they are the Pope, cardinals and other Christian male clergy. Not only Jewish men.
  4. So this is the real reason you posted the attack on the young girl - an opportunity for you to spout anti Israel propaganda. You used an attack on an English person for your own left leaning reasons. Are you being funded by Socialist Action or similar?
  5. Great prediction! Love your thought processes
  6. Kosher and halal are very different.
  7. And yet it is Israel who is conducting, as we speak, polio vaccinations in Gaza.
  8. “Your masters” says it all. Which masters and whose are they and what exactly does Zionism, whether pro or against have to do with the original topic? I’m suspecting you are keen to insert your own theories onto any topic, no matter how tenuous the link.
  9. That’s just babble from the padded cell.
  10. Sheryl’s advice is excellent… correct one eye with a contact lens and leave the other eye without any correction. I’m a Dispensing Optician and that’s exactly how I’d do it too. Presbyopia is totally normal and generally starts around 45 -50 years old. It’s generally noticed when you have to hold an object away from you in order to focus. It will increase as time goes on, that’s the main reason why surgery at this early stage may not be a good idea. By using the mono vision contact lens idea, you get pretty much the same result as surgery. Some people’s brains don’t manage the change, not often, but it can be a problem. Do your Optom will prescribe a mono vision contact lens for you, a daily disposable lens may be useful as there’s no cleaning, solutions etc needed.
  11. No. Incorrect. Arabs can and do sit in the Knesset. Arabs can and do join the IDF as do many non Jewish Israelis. Israel is only discriminatory when it comes to barbarian acts of terrorism and aggression. And what nation wouldn’t discriminate against overt attacks?
  12. Not to mention her association with a Finks OMCG member - if you lie down with dogs, you’ll get up with fleas.
  13. I have used to good effect Baking Soda. Just sprinkle it around and into the various drains, shower and floor drains, kitchen and bathroom sinks. Let it sit for a while then a pour a little bit of water to get the powder down into the drain. You may have to do this for a few days but you should notice a difference after a few days. I’ve used this method in many places, both Thailand and Hong Kong and it has worked for me. Baking soda is a cheaper fix than bleach, disinfectant etc.
  14. Sorry, that’s not how it works
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