First off, thank you all for the effort of keeping up with all of this and posting updates and responses.
Does anyone have an accurate tax calculator for these tax changes? Several of the sites I have found are more for calculating a paycheck in Thailand and each of them gives me a different value. I tried making my own in a spreadsheet but have little confidence the values are correct. I hope they are wrong...
I am in the planning stages and hope to take an early retirement by 49 in a year or two. I plan to float around visiting other countries until 50 and then get a retirement Visa in Thailand. All of my income from 50 to whenever I decide to start collecting SS will be from capital gains. I received a bit of the money in 2023, but the bulk of the money I will be pulling gains from will come from a second payout from the sale of a business at a future date, money earned after 1/1/24, or at best a mix of before and after 1/1/24. The plan at the moment would be to bring in about 130,000 - 120,000 THB a month. Assume the amount would be under the capital gains tax limit ($44,625) in the USA and would be taxed at zero dollars. This would then be fully taxed by Thailand due to paying zero taxes in the US, correct?
I understand this is early days, and things will most likely change 14 times between now and then, but if I need to pivot and make alternative plans I would like to at least have an idea of how this will shake out given the current state of taxation of foreign income. I will of course be talking to professionals as the time draws closer, but for now, it's just planning.