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  1. For years and decades, day in, day out, from morning to evening and even at night, the constantly repeated, countless, disgusting scenes have been tarnishing the family-friendly destination of Pattaya... Are you planning a trip to Pattaya with your family in the future? Find out about it with TAT...!
  2. It's the same as always, you can continue to consume THC in any strength, but if you get caught, you'll have to pay. The new bill finally takes into account the wallets of all players, as it did before...
  3. They will continue to speculate about the money until the expats pay their income tax. Then the 10k will be paid out. How could it be possible before then?
  4. I don't drink alcohol if I don't want to. The pointless daily bans or bans on Buddhist holidays would not be a reason for me not to drink alcohol. I choose the times when I don't drink alcohol for months, for example...
  5. I have no idea what Thais don’t understand about mass tourism??!!
  6. He must have a certificate, otherwise nobody will believe him!
  7. The guides at Disneyland have lost their way in the jungle of double standards...!
  8. As long as he is concerned about the health of the population because of cannabis and at the same time legalizes meth-amphetamine use, I am concerned about his competence!
  9. the 10,000 baht fairy tale for Thai citizens seems to have come to an end
  10. Is there still beating in Thai schools? How do Thai students perform in the PISA study? How good are Thai students in English and geography? Is the problem a budget problem or a system problem? I know a Thai doctor (30 years old) who doesn't speak English.
  11. It is waste of time to deal with this dreams
  12. The Thais I have contact to, mostly resign and assumes to see no way to change their situation...
  13. Surely someone in the government is already thinking about tightening visa conditions for expats living in Thailand due to such incidents...
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