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Nordic summer

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  1. After the earlier cases of foreign teachers inappropriately touching schoolgirls, I see this as a step in the right direction at least. The question is however, where will it end? Are we gonna start seeing cases of foreigners fondling bull sharks next, my word
  2. Why do they always look like that and why do they have to go to Thailand?
  3. Imagine snorting something that passed a Nigerians GI tract
  4. I forgive her. Everyone makes mistakes in that age. I'll even forgive her for future mistakes, as long as it's posted on social media.
  5. Nice gesture. I'm sure fighting fires in this heat is very difficult and dangerous. Good luck to the brave firefighters.
  6. The only possible outcome from this unfortunate episode.
  7. Race driver lost face big time by reacting this way, as he comes across as an insecure and weak man. He deserves to be dragged through the mud for some time and made to apologize to the student. Then he needs to go through the long and undoubtfully painful process of adjusting his ego.
  8. 100Tbh for a hit of acid sounds incredible cheap considering he charged 1000 for an ecstasy pill. A sheet of acid consists of 900 hits, so 75 sheets would be 67500 hits which is a lot. I guess he were caught with 75 hits.
  9. Such a cute picture. Everyone is happy. Good thing it didn't happen in any other city on earth.
  10. Bro, you just lost face
  11. He didn't realize he was dealing with a resourceful person, and now he is worried(<deleted>less) that his out of proportions tirade is gonna hurt his business.

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