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Dear Triangle

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Everything posted by Dear Triangle

  1. What a horrible cruel world where people are murdered and cut up and put into freezers in small pieces. Why do people do such terrible things to each other. I don't understand.
  2. Not all black people come from Africa, so it's necessary to use various terms, I presume that calling someone black is a bad thing in thai culture, asian beauty standards value white skin so maybe it's something to do with that.
  3. So the victims were either poisoned by a rapist or they all happened to have consumed some drinks that contained methanol, which was either a free drink or drinks that they purchased from the same place. Or could it have been something along the lines of the snake blood scene from "the beach"
  4. I've seen one or two youtube videos and read several forum posts that indicate that getting into a fight with a thai person will result in random thai people joining in to beat you, seems odd to me, but if people have had this experience it's interesting to know about. I'd advise avoiding fights in all cases, be that with a thai person or any other nationality. You might end up in prison, seriously injured or dead.
  5. This has not been borne out through my own observations. For science, would you mind sharing where abouts you've seen this happening?
  6. From the cctv footage it appears that the injured man hit his head a second time when one of the people trying to help him up let go of his arm. Maybe they panicked when they realised he was unconscious.
  7. This highlights the very essence of the mistakes made by previous governments. I really do think that the core of the problem is that mostly, the politicians of the previous governments just don't know what the life experience of the majority of uk people is like, the previous prime minister was a multi millionaire who through his considerable wealth, acquired tens of thousands of pounds a day for just getting out of bed without doing anything. On top of that he is married to the daughter of one of the richest people on earth. I think it would be safe to say that he has little experience of what it's like to be a normal person, to worry about paying bills. From what I can gather his family was upper middle class and combined with the fruits of his impressive achievements, he just didn't go through the hardships that many people in the uk have had to contend with. I can only hope that the new prime minister with his less privileged roots, has a better understanding of what normal people face, and can be more in touch with the issues that matter to them.
  8. Right you are. The social media companies should be held responsible in some way, of course it could be dangerous to take that approach, since they misinformation could just move over to another platform. Perhaps a better way would be to force them to cooperate with the authorities, so that the perpetrators of misinformation can be dealt with appropriately.
  9. I think that it speaks to the true cause of the grievance that people have. Things were good, and as time has passed things have gotten worse, wages have have not risen at the same rate as house prices. Public services have deteriorated. All of this can be traced back to things the government have done, have allowed to happen and have encouraged. Yet people on are the streets breaking things and looting. And they say it's because they want their country back. That no one listens to them. <minority> took their jobs and women etc. This is where things do go a bit off topic. It's up to you to take this path if you must. Point is, people are rioting, and they are doing it because of misinformation combined with real problems they face, the causes of which have been misrepresented by people looking to benefit from the situation and further their aims. The enemies of the UK are laughing right now.
  10. Yes. The labour party should have put a stop to privatisation, and can be blamed for that. We can all now see that it's not working and is causing problems. You can't get a GP appointment, you have to pay lots of money for dental treatment, there are no youth centres so kids are running around with knives and selling drugs, you have to wait 7 hours in accident and emergency before someone can see you. And certain people are blaming these things on immigrants, asylum seekers, refugees, the eu, polish plumbers, black people, and Muslims. Agitators are mostly to blame for this. Overall, it's a bad idea to hand over public services to private companies, because they will extract profits, that's what they do, the evidence is clear. So the solution is clear. Don't allow private companies to extract profits from public services, give the profits to tax payers by investing them in public services. The previous government was ideologically opposed to this, that's not necessarily why they lost, but they did lose and the party that won claim to recognise the mistakes that have been made. I think he's done very well by spreading a message of unity and determination to put things right, rather than blaming minorities and trying to take away peoples rights, which was the approach of the previous government, who among other things, wanted to make it illegal to protest, who caused the uk to leave the eu, and allowed public services to fall into ruin. The rioters are chanting "stop the boats" that's a conservative party slogan. It's almost as if they don't realise that the government has changed, they are blaming the new government for the mistakes of the previous government. Those hotels full of asylum seekers, that is the doing of the previous government, they were more than happy to fill up hotels and pay millions to their mates every day, while blaming people in boats for everything. When the real reason things are so messed up, is because of them and their ideology, privatising everything from the inside out.
  11. The countries infrastructure is at breaking point because it has all been sold to foreign companies who have squeezed every last penny for decades. They are basically getting free money from the tax payer in exchange for running everything into the ground, and they stand there blameless as people rush to blame immigrants, the eu, foreigners, etc As I understand it the labour party is committed to reversing the damage done to public services by previous governments, so I would have to disagree and say that things can only get better with Starmer.
  12. The rioters don't care about this distinction. They will often lump all non white people in with immigrants, some will say that certain non whites are ok, the truth is that many are convinced that white people are being outnumbered and erased and that they must do something about it. So the fact that the suspect is not an immigrant makes little difference, he's not white and in their eyes should not be in the uk. They don't care about the little girls or their families. If they did they would not have behaved as they have. They just needed a reason to kick off.
  13. I feel a bit bad for laughing at the suffering of the rioter. It should be used as an example of the foolishness of what they are doing and how dangerous it is, he was injured by the bricks thrown by his fellows, completely unacceptable behaviour, that can't be hidden behind the pretence of valid concerns or outrage at the murder and injury of the little girls.
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