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Posts posted by Rachevenmo

  1. Like a hassle just to check into a hotel, right? As for what's required for reporting TM30, it does seem like the passport number on a driver's license might not cut it due to potential discrepancies. And you're right, relying on a pink ID card might not fly either, considering the need for accurate data. I recently stumbled upon something called Prime ID Scanner from ID Analyzer https://www.idanalyzer.com/products/prime-id-scanner.html. It seems like a neat solution for hotels to verify identity without the hassle of insisting on passports for every guest. It could streamline the process and ensure compliance with TM30 reporting.

  2. On 1/2/2024 at 3:17 PM, Rachevenmo said:

    It's surprising to hear even major stores might have some tricks up their sleeves. The struggle with fakes seems real, from CDs to razors!


    On a brighter note, have you had any luck finding authentic organic natural foods in your shopping adventures? Sometimes a little hunt for the good stuff amidst the chaos can be a hidden gem!

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