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  1. if then they should ask the Thai Girlfriend, since when does the sender have to pay tax for a gift? Anyway no questions asked by the banks or TRD.
  2. I am not a tax resident in Thailand, so why should they audit me?
  3. of course its considered a gift if you remit fm your overseas account to your girlfriends account in TH, I have done it several times and no questions asked. Sending it fm your oversea account to her overseas account is nonsense, first of all not all TH girlfriends have overseas accounts and then you have to clarify how such transfers are handled by tax authorities overseas.
  4. Thai's get also stopped, but police does not take any action about Thais driving over red lights, which is even more dangerous and more common than drinking and driving.
  5. my friend got caught drunk by the police, paid a fine of THB 10.000,-- and was allowed to carry on driving. When he asked for a receipt the policemen replied that there is no more control on his way home. TIT
  6. agree with you, because most insurances in Thailand have increased their premiums in the past 3 years by at least 10% per annum, without claims or reaching the next age group. The excuse was increasing health care costs and Covid. If this level of increases will continue then your premium will more than double in 10 years plus increases for reaching the next age group and penalties for filing claims. When you reach 80 and you have already paid 30 years health insurance there is no way out and insurance companies will not drop their premiums due to the long term relationship, they just cover their risk. So if you have sufficient funds and you can afford to put 3-5 Mio. aside then its the much wiser decision than covering insurance in TH especially if you have the possibility to go back to Europe etc. and enjoy the national health insurance for longer term and/or expensive treatments. Not to mention that there is always a risk that certain insurance companies will just reject your claims or terminate your coverage when it gets too risky for them. What leverage to negotiate do you have when you are 80 up, except paying a crazy premium?
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