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  1. I don't have any issue with this as long as I'm permitted to do tourist visa plus extension leave for two months and do it again.
  2. Thanks to everyone who replied, hopefully you guys are right and I don't have any problems.
  3. That's my thinking as well. I think the fact that they already let me comeback in after my overstay with just a week out makes it look like there not holding a grudge so to speak. Yea that site is the one I use I'll have my flight out booked with them thanks for the reassurance.
  4. I know no answer I get is official just looking for pease of mine. So I was in Thailand from February until June on a tourist visa. I had an overstay because I had a regular tourist visa but got a 90 day stamp. I went to an visa tourist offices around town and they said great you can stay for 90 days they wont penalize you for there mistake. At the end I go to get a thirty day extension but they say no so I end up overstaying like 51 days. However when I left Thailand they only charged me for the 21 days. I went to the Philippines for a week and went back to Thailand they let me in I stayed like 25 days. Coming in they only asked for my flight leaving Thailand. One thing that was different was when I was leaving they kinda looked at me funny because the flight I said I'd fly leaving was different from one I ended up using. My question is do you think I get any <deleted> coming back I plan to return in October so 3 month out but I'm just trying to see what you guys think.
  5. Yea BKK hopefully all goes well.
  6. Hey I spent about 7 months total in Thailand last year. I plan to return this February I left in November I'm going to be flying in from Indonesia Jakarta what are the chances you think they give me a problem. I'll have the twenty thousand baht hotel booking and a ticket leaving but I'm getting nervous. Also I have a tourist visa there really is no other visa for me to get as I like to stay two or three months then leave for two and and repeat I'm just getting paranoid I guess what do you think.
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