I know no answer I get is official just looking for pease of mine. So I was in Thailand from February until June on a tourist visa. I had an overstay because I had a regular tourist visa but got a 90 day stamp. I went to an visa tourist offices around town and they said great you can stay for 90 days they wont penalize you for there mistake. At the end I go to get a thirty day extension but they say no so I end up overstaying like 51 days. However when I left Thailand they only charged me for the 21 days. I went to the Philippines for a week and went back to Thailand they let me in I stayed like 25 days. Coming in they only asked for my flight leaving Thailand. One thing that was different was when I was leaving they kinda looked at me funny because the flight I said I'd fly leaving was different from one I ended up using.
My question is do you think I get any <deleted> coming back I plan to return in October so 3 month out but I'm just trying to see what you guys think.