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Everything posted by mark_mark

  1. This may be interesting... I'm just dumping info into here https://tm30.immigration.go.th/TM30/Foreigner/RegisterEN/Register.html Notice in the second section that there is a point 2 "Letter of authorization to conduct the registration" which I believe may be this form here. This seems to imply that self registration is OK (at least ot my reading, which might be wrong). At the end of the go.th link there is a handy vid ------------------------------------------------- For completeness, these vids are on the channel hosting the "handy vid" Correcting residence information, TM.30 form Adding residental information to the TM.30 form Notification of individual aliens' accomodations using the tm.30 form Exporting evidence of accomodation notification form TM.30 Searching for information on notifying accommodations
  2. Well I could be buggered re self-registration or, indeed, any TM30 registration if, as I suspect, there is no blue house book for the property... If anyone has any good ideas about what to do about TM30 registration in that case please do say... For a 30 day visa-exemption extension at an immigration office one can just use a guest house TM30 registration, but I don't see this as a viable longer-term plan if I move to a six-month multiple entry visa and thence to a retirement visa while staying in my current rented house 😬
  3. Hi, I could do with some help please I'm renting a house on a yearly basis. I'm in residence between two and four months a year, for now at least, using a six month multiple entry tourist visa. Due to historic anomalies I'm pretty sure that there is no blue house book, but I will check on this with my landlord in a few days time when I see him. What I would like to do is use the TM30 app to self-report my presence at the house when I am there, adn to do the same for my wife (on a similar visa). Is there a way to do this such that it satisfies immigration please?
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