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Posts posted by Dolf

  1. 6 minutes ago, thrilled said:

    I believe what you’re talking about is Sin Sod. The man pays money, gold, diamonds, water buffalo etc to the mother of the bride. If the lady is young, never married no kids extremely pretty then her Mom will expect a large amount. If the guy can’t come up with it then the girl won’t marry or see him again. 
    If the lady has been married before older, has kids then the amount of sin sod is a lot lower. 
    But I have seen Sid over 10 million baht and 30-50 baht gold.

    Sin sot is one marriage only. No second sin sot.

    • Like 2
  2. 3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Does GRAB actually operate function anywhere now ?


    Its getting harder and harder to secure a Grab Ride.


    Myself and pretty much anyone I discuss this with is of the same opinion - Getting a GRAB Taxi / car is getting more and more tricky as 'Thainess' allows the fluckwittery to slip through the levels of corporate control preventing it from being an extremely reliable service. 


    This past few weeks I've hit a 100% record of GRAB Taxis / Cars taking an order, then cancelling on me after a few mins, this cycle gets repeated over and over again until ultimately a ride is secured.... 

    ... then we may get contacted by the rider and asked to cancel (probably because they can no longer cancel any more rides themselves becasue they've already done so, so many times).



    Since UBER left Thailand the Taxi services which theoretically were improving have gone backwards as far as convenience, honestly (using the meter) and customer service is concerned. 



    There are still positive experiences with regular Taxi's and GRAB / BOLT etc but they have become the exception rather than the rule. 



    That is Bangkok only

  3. 1 minute ago, Andycoops said:

    Having just spent last Sunday night in BR I can safely say that the place is way behind Khorat and even further away from Udon in terms of nightlife or even afternoon life.


    Pre covid it was a buzzy little place but sadly no longer.

    Sad to see it's fallen so far from what it once was as I had many happy days there pre covid.


    I won't be returning anytime soon.



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